<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=40075 >

I got this with chris's recent savegame but I have no idea if it's 
related.  Attached is the previous savegame; no clue if it's reproducable.

==12774== Invalid read of size 4
==12774==    at 0x80F3978: map_get_player_city (maphand.c:1206)
==12774==    by 0x81188E7: player_save (savegame.c:3360)
==12774==    by 0x811CB03: game_save (savegame.c:4497)
==12774==    by 0x80C7B97: save_game (srv_main.c:922)
==12774==    by 0x80C7E6C: save_game_auto (srv_main.c:991)
==12774==    by 0x80C9660: srv_running (srv_main.c:1836)
==12774==    by 0x80C9FB5: srv_main (srv_main.c:2194)
==12774==    by 0x804B205: main (civserver.c:267)
==12774==  Address 0x5391ca0 is 0 bytes inside a block of size 76 free'd
==12774==    at 0x402365C: free (vg_replace_malloc.c:323)
==12774==    by 0x80E6669: reality_check_city (citytools.c:1792)
==12774==    by 0x80E4AE8: remove_city (citytools.c:1185)
==12774==    by 0x80E5089: unit_enter_city (citytools.c:1289)
==12774==    by 0x80DE2C2: unit_move_consequences (unittools.c:2532)
==12774==    by 0x80DEDBB: move_unit (unittools.c:2829)
==12774==    by 0x812528B: unit_move_handling (unithand.c:1329)
==12774==    by 0x814C46C: ai_unit_attack (aitools.c:978)
==12774==    by 0x814AB14: ai_unit_execute_path (aitools.c:217)
==12774==    by 0x814E2E9: ai_military_rampage (aiunit.c:692)
==12774==    by 0x81511AC: ai_military_attack (aiunit.c:1735)
==12774==    by 0x8151AA8: ai_manage_military (aiunit.c:2078)
==12774==    by 0x8152262: ai_manage_unit (aiunit.c:2260)
==12774==    by 0x81526D8: ai_manage_units (aiunit.c:2366)
==12774==    by 0x814368D: ai_do_first_activities (aihand.c:439)
==12774==    by 0x80C70CB: ai_start_phase (srv_main.c:590)
==12774==    by 0x80C74E8: begin_phase (srv_main.c:722)
==12774==    by 0x80C95F6: srv_running (srv_main.c:1814)
==12774==    by 0x80C9FB5: srv_main (srv_main.c:2194)
==12774==    by 0x804B205: main (civserver.c:267)


Attachment: 22testa-0125.sav.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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