<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=40218 >

 Barbarain unit creation did not check if can_unit_exist_at_tile()
leading to inconsistent game state and usually to crash.

 Fixing this required rewriting most of the barbarian unit creation
code. While doing that, I noticed number of other issues in old code.
can_unit_exist_at_tile() check is not needed (and not even possible)
on S2_1, but we may want modified version of this patch for S2_1.
Among the issues are potential infinite loop, creation of multiple
boats for leaving island, and then possibly using none of these boats
to leave the island.

 I've run several autogames with this patch applied. At least it's no
longer crashing. I still somehow need to test functionality. Checking
that is a bit hard without global observers.

 - ML

diff -Nurd -X.diff_ignore freeciv/server/barbarian.c freeciv/server/barbarian.c
--- freeciv/server/barbarian.c	2008-01-20 04:03:28.000000000 +0200
+++ freeciv/server/barbarian.c	2008-04-26 03:06:12.000000000 +0300
@@ -180,6 +180,25 @@
+  (Re)initialize direction checked status array based on terrain class.
+static void init_dir_checked_status(bool checked[8],
+                                    enum terrain_class terrainc[8],
+                                    enum terrain_class tclass)
+  int dir;
+  for (dir = 0; dir < 8; dir++) {
+    if (terrainc[dir] == tclass) {
+      checked[dir] = FALSE;
+    } else {
+      checked[dir] = TRUE;
+    }
+  }
   Unleash barbarians means give barbarian player some units and move them 
   out of the hut, unless there's no place to go.
@@ -192,10 +211,17 @@
 bool unleash_barbarians(struct tile *ptile)
   struct player *barbarians;
-  int unit_cnt, land_cnt = 0, sea_cnt = 0;
+  int unit_cnt;
   int i;
-  struct tile *utile = NULL;
   bool alive = TRUE;     /* explorer survived */
+  enum terrain_class terrainc[8];
+  struct tile *dir_tiles[8];
+  int land_tiles = 0;
+  int ocean_tiles = 0;
+  bool checked[8];
+  int checked_count;
+  int dir;
+  bool barbarian_stays = FALSE;
   if (game.info.barbarianrate == 0
       || game.info.year < game.info.onsetbarbarian
@@ -216,72 +242,169 @@
     struct unit_type *punittype
       = find_a_unit_type(L_BARBARIAN, L_BARBARIAN_TECH);
-    (void) create_unit(barbarians, ptile, punittype, 0, 0, -1);
-    freelog(LOG_DEBUG, "Created barbarian unit %s",
-            utype_rule_name(punittype));
+    /* If unit cannot live on this tile, we just don't create one.
+     * Maybe find_a_unit_type() should take tile parameter, so
+     * we could get suitable unit if one exist. */
+    if (is_native_tile(punittype, ptile)) {
+      struct unit *barb_unit;
+      barb_unit = create_unit(barbarians, ptile, punittype, 0, 0, -1);
+      freelog(LOG_DEBUG, "Created barbarian unit %s",
+              utype_rule_name(punittype));
+      send_unit_info(NULL, barb_unit);
+    }
-  adjc_iterate(ptile, tile1) {
-    land_cnt += is_free_land(tile1, barbarians) ? 1 : 0;
-    sea_cnt += is_free_sea(tile1, barbarians) ? 1 : 0;
-  } adjc_iterate_end;
+  /* Get information about surrounding terrains in terrain class level.
+   * Only needed if we consider moving units away to random directions. */
+  for (dir = 0; dir < 8; dir++) {
+    dir_tiles[dir] = mapstep(ptile, dir);
+    if (dir_tiles[dir] == NULL) {
+      terrainc[dir] = TC_LAST;
+    } else if (is_free_land(dir_tiles[dir], barbarians)) {
+      terrainc[dir] = TC_LAND;
+      ocean_tiles++;
+    } else if (is_free_sea(dir_tiles[dir], barbarians)) {
+      terrainc[dir] = TC_LAND;
+      land_tiles++;
+    } else {
+      terrainc[dir] = TC_LAST;
+    }
+  }
-  if (land_cnt >= 3) {           /* enough land, scatter guys around */
-    unit_list_iterate((ptile)->units, punit2) {
+  if (land_tiles >= 3) {
+    /* Enough land, scatter guys around */
+    unit_list_iterate_safe((ptile)->units, punit2) {
       if (unit_owner(punit2) == barbarians) {
-        send_unit_info(NULL, punit2);
-	do {
-	  do {
-	    utile = rand_neighbour(ptile);
-	  } while (!is_free_land(utile, barbarians));
-        } while (!unit_move_handling(punit2, utile, TRUE, FALSE));
-        freelog(LOG_DEBUG, "Moved barbarian unit from %d %d to %d, %d", 
-                ptile->x, ptile->y, utile->x, utile->y);
+        bool dest_found = FALSE;
+        /* Initialize checked status for checking free land tiles */
+        init_dir_checked_status(checked, terrainc, TC_LAND);
+        /* Search tile to move to */
+        for (checked_count = 0; !dest_found && checked_count < land_tiles;
+             checked_count++) {
+          int j = -1;
+          int num = myrand(land_tiles - checked_count);
+          for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
+            j++;
+            while (checked[j]) {
+              j++;
+            }
+          }
+          if (can_unit_move_to_tile(punit2, dir_tiles[j], TRUE)) {
+            (void) unit_move_handling(punit2, dir_tiles[j], TRUE, FALSE);
+            freelog(LOG_DEBUG, "Moved barbarian unit from %d %d to %d, %d", 
+                    ptile->x, ptile->y, dir_tiles[j]->x, dir_tiles[j]->y);
+            dest_found = TRUE;
+          }
+          checked[j] = TRUE;
+        }
+        if (!dest_found) {
+          /* This barbarian failed to move out of hut tile. */
+          barbarian_stays = TRUE;
+        }
-    } unit_list_iterate_end;
+    } unit_list_iterate_safe_end;
   } else {
-    if (sea_cnt > 0) {         /* maybe it's an island, try to get on boats */
-      struct tile *btile = NULL;
+    if (ocean_tiles > 0) {
+      /* maybe it's an island, try to get on boats */
+      struct tile *btile = NULL; /* Boat tile */
+      int i;
-      /* FIXME: If anyone knows what this code is supposed to do, rewrite
-       * this comment to explain it. */
-      unit_list_iterate((ptile)->units, punit2) {
-        if (unit_owner(punit2) == barbarians) {
-          send_unit_info(NULL, punit2);
-          while(TRUE) {
-	    utile = rand_neighbour(ptile);
-	    if (can_unit_move_to_tile(punit2, utile, TRUE)) {
-	      break;
-            }
-	    if (btile && can_unit_move_to_tile(punit2, btile, TRUE)) {
-	      utile = btile;
-              break;
-	    }
-	    if (is_free_sea(utile, barbarians)) {
-              struct unit_type *boat = find_a_unit_type(L_BARBARIAN_BOAT, -1);
-	      (void) create_unit(barbarians, utile, boat, 0, 0, -1);
-	      btile = utile;
-	      break;
-	    }
+      /* Initialize checked status for checking Ocean tiles */
+      init_dir_checked_status(checked, terrainc, TC_OCEAN);
+      /* Search tile for boat. We always create just one boat. */
+      for (checked_count = 0; btile == NULL && checked_count < ocean_tiles;
+           checked_count++) {
+        struct unit_type *boat;
+        int j = -1;
+        int num = myrand(ocean_tiles - checked_count);
+        for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
+          j++;
+          while (checked[j]) {
+            j++;
-          (void) unit_move_handling(punit2, utile, TRUE, FALSE);
-      } unit_list_iterate_end;
-    } else {             /* The village is surrounded! Kill the explorer. */
+        boat = find_a_unit_type(L_BARBARIAN_BOAT, -1);
+        if (is_native_tile(boat, dir_tiles[j])) {
+          (void) create_unit(barbarians, dir_tiles[j], boat, 0, 0, -1);
+          btile = dir_tiles[j];
+        }
+        checked[j] = TRUE;
+      }
+      if (btile) {
+        /* We do have a boat. Try to get everybody in */
+        unit_list_iterate_safe((ptile)->units, punit2) {
+          if (unit_owner(punit2) == barbarians) {
+            if (can_unit_move_to_tile(punit2, btile, TRUE)) {
+              (void) unit_move_handling(punit2, btile, TRUE, FALSE);
+            }
+          }
+        } unit_list_iterate_safe_end;
+      }
+      /* Move rest of the barbarians to random land tiles */
       unit_list_iterate_safe((ptile)->units, punit2) {
-        if (unit_owner(punit2) != barbarians) {
-          wipe_unit(punit2);
-          alive = FALSE;
-        } else {
-          send_unit_info(NULL, punit2);
+        if (unit_owner(punit2) == barbarians) {
+          bool dest_found = FALSE;
+          /* Initialize checked status for checking Land tiles */
+          init_dir_checked_status(checked, terrainc, TC_LAND);
+          /* Search tile to move to */
+          for (checked_count = 0; !dest_found && checked_count < land_tiles;
+               checked_count++) {
+            int j = -1;
+            int num = myrand(land_tiles - checked_count);
+            for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
+              j++;
+              while (checked[j]) {
+                j++;
+              }
+            }
+            if (can_unit_move_to_tile(punit2, dir_tiles[j], TRUE)) {
+              (void) unit_move_handling(punit2, dir_tiles[j], TRUE, FALSE);
+              dest_found = TRUE;
+            }
+            checked[j] = TRUE;
+          }
+          if (!dest_found) {
+            /* This barbarian failed to move out of hut tile. */
+            barbarian_stays = TRUE;
+          }
       } unit_list_iterate_safe_end;
+    } else {
+      /* The village is surrounded! Barbarians cannot leave. */
+      barbarian_stays = TRUE;
+  if (barbarian_stays) {
+    /* There's barbarian in this village! Kill the explorer. */
+    unit_list_iterate_safe((ptile)->units, punit2) {
+      if (unit_owner(punit2) != barbarians) {
+        wipe_unit(punit2);
+        alive = FALSE;
+      } else {
+        send_unit_info(NULL, punit2);
+      }
+    } unit_list_iterate_safe_end;
+  }
   /* FIXME: I don't know if this is needed */
-  if (utile) {
-    map_show_circle(barbarians, utile, BARBARIAN_INITIAL_VISION_RADIUS_SQ);
+  if (ptile) {
+    map_show_circle(barbarians, ptile, BARBARIAN_INITIAL_VISION_RADIUS_SQ);
   return alive;
@@ -336,10 +459,12 @@
 static void try_summon_barbarians(void)
   struct tile *ptile, *utile;
-  int i, cap, dist;
+  int i, dist;
   int uprise = 1;
   struct city *pc;
   struct player *barbarians, *victim;
+  struct unit_type *leader_type;
+  int barb_count, really_created = 0;
   /* We attempt the summons on a particular, random position.  If this is
    * an invalid position then the summons simply fails this time.  This means
@@ -390,44 +515,74 @@
-  if (!is_ocean_tile(utile)) {
-    int rand_factor = myrand(3);
+  barb_count = myrand(3) + uprise * game.info.barbarianrate;
+  leader_type = get_role_unit(L_BARBARIAN_LEADER, 0);
+  if (!is_ocean_tile(utile)) {
     /* land (disembark) barbarians */
     barbarians = create_barbarian_player(LAND_BARBARIAN);
     if (city_list_size(victim->cities) > UPRISE_CIV_MOST) {
       uprise = 3;
-    for (i = 0; i < rand_factor + uprise * game.info.barbarianrate; i++) {
+    for (i = 0; i < barb_count; i++) {
       struct unit_type *punittype
 	= find_a_unit_type(L_BARBARIAN, L_BARBARIAN_TECH);
-      (void) create_unit(barbarians, utile, punittype, 0, 0, -1);
-      freelog(LOG_DEBUG, "Created barbarian unit %s",
-              utype_rule_name(punittype));
+      /* If unit cannot live on this tile, we just don't create one.
+       * Maybe find_a_unit_type() should take tile parameter, so
+       * we could get suitable unit if one exist. */
+      if (is_native_tile(punittype, utile)) {
+        (void) create_unit(barbarians, utile, punittype, 0, 0, -1);
+        really_created++;
+        freelog(LOG_DEBUG, "Created barbarian unit %s",
+                utype_rule_name(punittype));
+      }
+    }
+    if (is_native_tile(leader_type, utile)) { 
+      (void) create_unit(barbarians, utile,
+                         leader_type, 0, 0, -1);
+      really_created++;
-    (void) create_unit(barbarians, utile,
-		       get_role_unit(L_BARBARIAN_LEADER, 0), 0, 0, -1);
   } else {                   /* sea raiders - their units will be veteran */
     struct unit *ptrans;
     struct unit_type *boat;
     barbarians = create_barbarian_player(SEA_BARBARIAN);
     boat = find_a_unit_type(L_BARBARIAN_BOAT,-1);
-    ptrans = create_unit(barbarians, utile, boat, 0, 0, -1);
-    cap = get_transporter_capacity(unit_list_get(utile->units, 0));
-    for (i = 0; i < cap-1; i++) {
-      struct unit_type *unit
-	= find_a_unit_type(L_BARBARIAN_SEA, L_BARBARIAN_SEA_TECH);
-      (void) create_unit_full(barbarians, utile, unit, 0, 0, -1, -1,
-			      ptrans);
-      freelog(LOG_DEBUG, "Created barbarian unit %s",
-              utype_rule_name(unit));
+    if (is_native_tile(boat, utile)) {
+      int cap;
+      ptrans = create_unit(barbarians, utile, boat, 0, 0, -1);
+      really_created++;
+      cap = get_transporter_capacity(ptrans);
+      /* Fill boat with barb_count barbarians at max, leave space for leader */
+      for (i = 0; i < cap - 1 && i < barb_count; i++) {
+        struct unit_type *barb
+          = find_a_unit_type(L_BARBARIAN_SEA, L_BARBARIAN_SEA_TECH);
+        if (can_unit_type_transport(boat, utype_class(barb))) {
+          (void) create_unit_full(barbarians, utile, barb, 0, 0, -1, -1,
+                                  ptrans);
+          really_created++;
+          freelog(LOG_DEBUG, "Created barbarian unit %s",
+                  utype_rule_name(barb));
+        }
+      }
+      if (can_unit_type_transport(boat, utype_class(leader_type))) {
+        (void) create_unit_full(barbarians, utile, leader_type, 0, 0,
+                                -1, -1, ptrans);
+        really_created++;
+      }
-    (void) create_unit_full(barbarians, utile,
-			    get_role_unit(L_BARBARIAN_LEADER, 0), 0, 0,
-			    -1, -1, ptrans);
+  }
+  if (really_created == 0) {
+    /* No barbarians found suitable spot */
+    return;
   /* Is this necessary?  create_unit_full already sends unit info. */
diff -Nurd -X.diff_ignore freeciv/server/unittools.c freeciv/server/unittools.c
--- freeciv/server/unittools.c	2008-04-23 01:44:13.000000000 +0300
+++ freeciv/server/unittools.c	2008-04-26 03:06:33.000000000 +0300
@@ -1339,6 +1339,8 @@
   if (ptrans) {
     /* Set transporter for unit. */
     punit->transported_by = ptrans->id;
+  } else {
+    assert(!ptile || can_unit_exist_at_tile(punit, ptile));
   /* Assume that if moves_left < 0 then the unit is "fresh",
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