On Thu, Jul 24, 2008 at 6:34 PM, Madeline Book <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I disagree with this game rule, it is not good for gameplay.
> The reason being is that it would make sneaking up on cities
> easier. An example would be a trireme that only has to see a
> worked ocean tile to find where the city is located, in essence
> giving it a larger vision radius near a city. This is also the
> reason why almost all 2.0 multiplayer games disable borders;
> it gives too much information to attackers and unbalances the
> game.

There was a suggestion some years(?) ago that players should have full
vision inside their borders, to offset such information leakage. I
think that is a reasonable idea.

> (Also, I would like borders to be fogged like units and cities
> too, but that is an issue for another ticket...)

You mean last seen borders would be "remembered" by the player,
instead of being given as it really is? IIRC, and this starts being
quite a while ago, the first borders implementation was like this. It
was a horrible mess. I do not think you want to go back there. What
problem would this solve, in any case?

  - Per

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