<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=40382 >

So sorry Daniel - this was my mistake - another player had obtained the
wonder 1 turn before me.

I'd like to report two other 'bugs' although I'm not sure if they're bug or
just not coded in that way.

In Civ II you can turn on to see the 'strongest' unit on top of a city - is
it possible to do this in freeciv?  I checked the client options but didn't
see it.

Also, if you only log on once a day to check progress you don't see the
message history - therefore, if other players are doing important things,
you don't find out - you also don't even find out what's happening in your
own kingdom for the first turn.



-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel Markstedt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, 26 July 2008 10:12 AM
Subject: (PR#40382) Bug for Freeciv 

<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=40382 >

> [book - Sat Jul 19 16:22:16 2008]:
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Fri Jul 18 23:31:07 2008]:
> > 
> > This transaction appears to have no content
> > 
> > Bug: When the wonder "Darwin's voyage" is built, nothing happens
> > - the production keeps going and each turn, it just says that
> > it'll be built in 1 turn.
> >
> > (see attached screen-shot). At this time, I didn't have any gold
> > going into science/research so maybe that's why it won't build
> > (either way, it isn't clear in the help files). I just selected
> > 2 technologies now so maybe it will give them to me next turn?
> It looks like another player finished building the wonder before
> you. If you are sure that this is not the case, send the savegame
> and we can investigate further.

Right, so I'd say the bug in this case is in the UI - how about displaying
instead of '1 turn' in the case the wonder is already built? Then the 
unsuspecting player would know that it's time to adjust the production.

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