<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=40696 >

Sorry, my fault. I should have run a freeciv.pot test before committing.


On Thu, 29 Jan 2009 17:45:30 +0900, Susanna Björverud  
<susanna.bjorve...@telia.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Revision 15448 of the trunk/data/nation/saxon.ruleset causes make
> freeciv.pot to fail with
>     "/usr/bin/xgettext: Sträng är inte i ASCII i
> data/nation/saxon.ruleset:6.                    Ange källkodning med
> --from-code."
> (approx. re-translation... String is not in ASCII at
> data/nation/saxon.ruleset:6. State encoding with --from-code). I have
> not been able to actually SEE the character that causes problem, but I
> opened gedit and just retyped the string on line 6 and resaved, and now
> it seems to work for me. Was ages ago since I made a diff, but I
> attached simply the output of a simple "svn diff saxon.ruleset >
> saxon.diff" file in case that is of any use.
> Of course I still get the annoying warnings about ' in the comments to
> terrain.ruleset ("unclosed character constant") - "no"  -- no change;
> doesn't count for warming, which being in a comment of course does no
> harm, but is still bit of an annoyance.
> data/default/terrain.ruleset:139: varning: oavslutad teckenkonstant
> data/civ2/terrain.ruleset:136: varning: oavslutad teckenkonstant
> data/civ1/terrain.ruleset:128: varning: oavslutad teckenkonstant
> /Susanna
> P.S. Yes I know... I should have filed a proper bug report.... :(

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