<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=40715 >

Slackware 12.1.0
Linux bendenweir #2 SMP Sun Feb 8 21:11:24 MST 2009 i686 Intel(R) 
Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.80GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux

using "make install" to install freeciv, running "civclient" and
clicking on "Start Scenario Game" crashes with the following message:
  0: Did not find token value in 
/usr/local/share/freeciv/scenario/british-isles-85x80-v2.80.sav.gz line 1

The .gz files in share/freeciv/scenario after a "make install" are 
corrupt somehow.  This prevents an installation created with the
"make install" command from running because share/freeciv/scenario
only contains the .gz files and no uncompressed .sav files.

Running ./civ from the build tree works because, in the data/scenario
directory, the .sav files are copied first followed by the .gz files.
This makes the .sav files appear first in directory order (ls -U).  The
program reads the files in data/scenario in directory order and builds
a list of files.  It then searches, not sorts, that list for the first
file alphabetically, which happens to be british-isles-85x80-v2.80.sav
which works, instead of british-isles-85x80-v2.80.sav.gz which is
corrupt.  I assume this from looking at the strace output.

rm -f /usr/local/share/freeciv/scenario/*.gz
cp freeciv-2.1.8/data/scenario/*.sav /usr/local/share/freeciv/scenario

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