<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=40841 >

Dear people,

I'm playing Freeciv-2.1.9-win32-gtk2 on Windows XP.  I'm playing the
Catalans on normal difficulty - it's now 1140 AD.  The last few sessions,
when I build a new city, the name that comes up first is Perpiny - with an
"X" in a box immediately after it.  Originally I don't think it had the X
behind it, & I could cancel a few times and eventually another name would
come up.  Once I said OK to Perpiny and it opened a city window with no city
name - so I went back to the last save file.  Now, no matter how many times
I cancel, all that comes up is PerpinyX.  I can delete the text in Perpiny,
and I can highlight the X by dragging over it, but I can't delete or cut
it.  If I accept it, Freeciv crashes.

Rebooting, and uninstalling and reinstalling Freeciv don't help.  I suppose
that means that that particular game file is corrupted, but I'm really
attached to my little Catalan Republic - it's the best Freeciv game I've
played yet.  I would really like a way to fix it.

In terms of what it says on your bug reporting page about asking me more
questions, and having me compile the error log or whatever, *good luck!*  I
have a right brain injury which causes me to be chronically anxious,
overwhelmed, and fatigued.  I hate using email because of the lack of
immediate feedback, and I respond to it, if I do at all, very slowly.  I far
prefer the phone.  If someone wants to call me, you can sometimes reach me
(or leave me voicemail) at 303-442-3663 (I'm up every two days, I turn off
my ringer when I'm asleep, and I'm at my girlfriend's place a lot).  As to
me compiling the error log or whatever, I think that's beyond me at this
point.  I had a couple of jobs doing tech support, but that was ten years
ago ago, and I was always low-level.  That strikes me as programmer stuff,
and I'm not a programmer.  Also, I don't have a computer.  All this is
happening on my girlfriend's computer, so I don't have the ability to take
as much time as I need to figure it out.

I'm sorry I'm not much help - I just don't have the energy to be a fully
participating member of an online community.  I do really appreciate all the
work you guys have put into Freeciv.  It's a wonderful option for me right
now.  I don't want to buy Civilization IV for Windows because I'm going to
buy another Mac.

Thank you,

Paul Angel

"Be kind, for everyone is fighting a hard battle." - Philo

Dear people,
I'm playing Freeciv-2.1.9-win32-gtk2 on Windows XP.  I'm playing the Catalans on normal difficulty - it's now 1140 AD.  The last few sessions, when I build a new city, the name that comes up first is Perpiny - with an "X" in a box immediately after it.  Originally I don't think it had the X behind it, & I could cancel a few times and eventually another name would come up.  Once I said OK to Perpiny and it opened a city window with no city name - so I went back to the last save file.  Now, no matter how many times I cancel, all that comes up is PerpinyX.  I can delete the text in Perpiny, and I can highlight the X by dragging over it, but I can't delete or cut it.  If I accept it, Freeciv crashes.
Rebooting, and uninstalling and reinstalling Freeciv don't help.  I suppose that means that that particular game file is corrupted, but I'm really attached to my little Catalan Republic - it's the best Freeciv game I've played yet.  I would really like a way to fix it.
In terms of what it says on your bug reporting page about asking me more questions, and having me compile the error log or whatever, good luck!  I have a right brain injury which causes me to be chronically anxious, overwhelmed, and fatigued.  I hate using email because of the lack of immediate feedback, and I respond to it, if I do at all, very slowly.  I far prefer the phone.  If someone wants to call me, you can sometimes reach me (or leave me voicemail) at 303-442-3663 (I'm up every two days, I turn off my ringer when I'm asleep, and I'm at my girlfriend's place a lot).  As to me compiling the error log or whatever, I think that's beyond me at this point.  I had a couple of jobs doing tech support, but that was ten years ago ago, and I was always low-level.  That strikes me as programmer stuff, and I'm not a programmer.  Also, I don't have a computer.  All this is happening on my girlfriend's computer, so I don't have the ability to take as much time as I need to figure it out.
I'm sorry I'm not much help - I just don't have the energy to be a fully participating member of an online community.  I do really appreciate all the work you guys have put into Freeciv.  It's a wonderful option for me right now.  I don't want to buy Civilization IV for Windows because I'm going to buy another Mac.

Thank you,
Paul Angel

"Be kind, for everyone is fighting a hard battle." - Philo
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