
                 Summary: Base multiplayer ruleset on Book's rewonder
                 Project: Freeciv
            Submitted by: pepeto
            Submitted on: mardi 10.08.2010 à 11:39
                Category: None
                Severity: 3 - Normal
                Priority: 5 - Normal
                  Status: None
             Assigned to: None
        Originator Email: 
             Open/Closed: Open
         Discussion Lock: Any
        Operating System: None
         Planned Release: 



Sorry if it overwrite a bit patch #1837, I didn't notice it...

The only noticeable changes from Book's rewonder ruleset are:
* The Lighthouse is now a Small Wonder because allowing the Triremes to cross
far ocean is obsolete, it gives 1 move for all sea units (including
* Re-enable the Electric Age (no Idea why it was disabled, it has no
incidence on the game).
* Tried to adjust as best as possible the incite cost.


Follow-up Comments:

Date: dimanche 07.11.2004 à 12:05  By: Mathieu Roy <yeupou>
This bug was fixed in branch DEV_2004-11_CERN2.   
(Note that Gna! is not currently running on this branch). 

Date: dimanche 07.11.2004 à 12:01  By: Mathieu Roy <yeupou>
This item has been reassigned from the project Gna! Administration support
tracker to your tracker.

The original report is still available at support #356

Following are the information included in the original report:

[field #0] <font class="preinput"><font class="help" title="Unique item
identifier">Item ID:</font></font> 356<br />[field #1] <font
class="preinput"><font class="help" title="Unique project identifier">Group
ID:</font></font> 101<br />[field #2] <font class="preinput"><font
class="help" title="Current Status">Status:</font></font> Open<br />[field
#3] <font class="preinput"><font class="help" title="Impact of the item on
the system (Critical, Major,...)">Severity:</font></font> B - Ordinary<br
/>[field #4] <font class="preinput"><font class="help" title="Determines
whether the item can be seen by members of the project only or
anybody.">Privacy:</font></font> Public<br />[field #5] <font
class="preinput"><font class="help" title="Generally high level modules or
functionalities of the software (e.g. User interface, Configuration Manager,
etc)">Category:</font></font> Savane Tools<br />[field #6] <font
class="preinput"><font class="help" title="User who originally submitted the
item">Submitted by:</font></font> loic<br />[field #7] <font
class="preinput"><font class="help" title="Who is in charge of handling the
item">Assigned to:</font></font> yeupou<br />[field #8] <font
class="preinput"><font class="help" title="Date and time of the initial
submission">Submitted on:</font></font> jeu 28.10.2004 à 02:46<br />[field
#9] <font class="preinput"><font class="help" title="One line description of
the item">Summary:</font></font> typo in Other Settings form<br />[field #10]
<font class="preinput"><font class="help" title="Full description of the
item">Original Submission:</font></font>
<br />
<br />
Introductory message showing at the top of the Bug submission form:
<br />
<br />

<br />
(easy one ;-)<br />[field #12] <font class="preinput"><font class="help"
title="Characterizes the nature of the item (e.g. Crash Error, Documentation
Typo, Installation Problem, etc">Item Group:</font></font> None<br />[field
#13] <font class="preinput"><font class="help" title="Current resolution of
the item">Resolution:</font></font> None<br />[field #14] <font
class="preinput"><font class="help" title="Version of the System Component
impacted by the item">Component Version:</font></font> None<br />[field #15]
<font class="preinput"><font class="help" title="Name and version of the
platform impacted by the item">Platform Version:</font></font> None<br
/>[field #16] <font class="preinput"><font class="help" title="How easy it is
to reproduce the item">Reproducibility:</font></font> None<br />[field #17]
<font class="preinput"><font class="help" title="Estimated size of the code
to be developed or reworked to handle the item">Size (loc):</font></font>
None<br />[field #18] <font class="preinput"><font class="help"
title="Release in which the item was actually implemented">Fixed
Release:</font></font> None<br />[field #19] <font class="preinput"><font
class="help" title="Release in which it is planned to have the item
implemented">Planned Release:</font></font> None<br />[field #20] <font
class="preinput"><font class="help" title="Number of hours of work needed to
handle the item">Effort:</font></font> 0.00<br />[field #24] <font
class="preinput"><font class="help" title="How quickly the item should be
implemented (Immediate, Normal, Low, Later,...)">Priority:</font></font> 1 -
Later<br />[field #27] <font class="preinput"><font class="help"
title="">Percent Complete:</font></font> 0%<br />[field #29] <font
class="preinput"><font class="help" title="Release (global version number)
impacted by the item">Release:</font></font> None<br />[field #54] <font
class="preinput"><font class="help" title="Customizable Select Box (pull down
menu with predefined values)">Custom Select Box #1:</font></font> None<br
/>[field #55] <font class="preinput"><font class="help" title="Customizable
Select Box (pull down menu with predefined values)">Custom Select Box
#2:</font></font> None<br />[field #56] <font class="preinput"><font
class="help" title="Customizable Select Box (pull down menu with predefined
values)">Custom Select Box #3:</font></font> None<br />[field #57] <font
class="preinput"><font class="help" title="Customizable Select Box (pull down
menu with predefined values)">Custom Select Box #4:</font></font> None<br
/>[field #58] <font class="preinput"><font class="help" title="Customizable
Select Box (pull down menu with predefined values)">Custom Select Box
#5:</font></font> None<br />[field #59] <font class="preinput"><font
class="help" title="Customizable Select Box (pull down menu with predefined
values)">Custom Select Box #6:</font></font> None<br />[field #60] <font
class="preinput"><font class="help" title="Customizable Select Box (pull down
menu with predefined values)">Custom Select Box #7:</font></font> None<br
/>[field #61] <font class="preinput"><font class="help" title="Customizable
Select Box (pull down menu with predefined values)">Custom Select Box
#8:</font></font> None<br />[field #62] <font class="preinput"><font
class="help" title="Customizable Select Box (pull down menu with predefined
values)">Custom Select Box #9:</font></font> None<br />[field #63] <font
class="preinput"><font class="help" title="Customizable Select Box (pull down
menu with predefined values)">Custom Select Box #10:</font></font> None<br />


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