
                 Summary: Crash at entering to the Ltex23 longturn game.
                 Project: Freeciv
            Submitted by: o01eg
            Submitted on: Сбт 28 Янв 2012 14:45:57
                Category: client-gtk-2.0
                Severity: 5 - Blocker
                Priority: 5 - Normal
                  Status: None
             Assigned to: None
        Originator Email: 
             Open/Closed: Open
                 Release: 2.3.1
         Discussion Lock: Any
        Operating System: GNU/Linux
         Planned Release: 



When I connect to longturn game I get crash with gtk2 client. SDL client
isn't affected.

Here data from gdb:

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x000000000057c8c0 in num_continent_buildings (pplayer=0x902ddc0, 
    continent=77, building=0x84f2c0) at requirements.c:566
566         if (pcity && tile_continent(pcity->tile) == continent) {
(gdb) bt full
#0  0x000000000057c8c0 in num_continent_buildings (pplayer=0x902ddc0, 
    continent=77, building=0x84f2c0) at requirements.c:566
        pcity = 0x9f5c9d0
        __FUNCTION__ = "num_continent_buildings"
#1  0x000000000057ca5e in count_buildings_in_range (target_player=0x902ddc0,

    target_city=0x9ef6010, target_building=0x84bb40, 
    range=REQ_RANGE_CONTINENT, survives=false, source=0x84f2c0)
    at requirements.c:636
        continent = 77
        __FUNCTION__ = "count_buildings_in_range"
#2  0x000000000057d139 in is_req_active (target_player=0x902ddc0, 
    target_city=0x9ef6010, target_building=0x84bb40, target_tile=0x0, 
    target_unittype=0x0, target_output=0x0, target_specialist=0x0, 
    req=0x8f28340, prob_type=RPT_CERTAIN) at requirements.c:972
        eval = false
        __FUNCTION__ = "is_req_active"
#3  0x00000000004e9692 in is_effect_enabled (target_player=0x902ddc0, 
    target_city=0x9ef6010, target_building=0x84bb40, target_tile=0x0, 
    target_unittype=0x0, target_output=0x0, target_specialist=0x0, 
    peffect=0x8f28280, prob_type=RPT_CERTAIN) at effects.c:634
        preq_iter = 0x0
        preq = 0x8f28340
#4  0x00000000004e9715 in is_effect_active (target_player=0x902ddc0,   
target_city=0x9ef6010, target_building=0x84bb40, target_tile=0x0, 
    target_unittype=0x0, target_output=0x0, target_specialist=0x0, 
    peffect=0x8f28280, prob_type=RPT_CERTAIN) at effects.c:664
No locals.
#5  0x00000000004e9a3c in get_target_bonus_effects (plist=0x0, 
    target_player=0x902ddc0, target_city=0x9ef6010, target_building=0x84bb40,

    target_tile=0x0, target_unittype=0x0, target_output=0x0, 
    target_specialist=0x0, effect_type=EFT_UPKEEP_FREE) at effects.c:784
        peffect_iter = 0x0
        peffect = 0x8f28280
        bonus = 0
#6  0x00000000004e9fef in get_building_bonus (pcity=0x9ef6010, 
    building=0x84bb40, effect_type=EFT_UPKEEP_FREE) at effects.c:931
        __FUNCTION__ = "get_building_bonus"
#7  0x00000000004dfdf5 in city_improvement_upkeep (pcity=0x9ef6010,
    at city.c:1137
        upkeep = 2
#8  0x00000000004dfca7 in city_total_impr_gold_upkeep (pcity=0x9ef6010)
    at city.c:1082
        pimprove = 0x84bb40
        gold_needed = 0
#9  0x000000000057a8f5 in player_get_expected_income (pplayer=0x902ddc0)
    at player.c:999
        pcity_iter = 0x0
        pcity = 0x9ef6010
        income = 20
#10 0x0000000000470598 in get_info_label_text (moreinfo=false) at text.c:884
        str = {
          _private_str_ = 0x9f378f0 "Население: 210 000\nГод:
740 AD (T137)", _private_n_ = 51, _private_n_alloc_ = 70}
#11 0x00000000004aa7a0 in update_info_label () at mapview.c:139
        label = 0x2461350
        pplayer = 0x902ddc0
#12 0x000000000045dc67 in handle_city_info (packet=0x9f36640) at
        product = {value = {advance = 0x84c8c0, govern = 0x84c8c0, 
            building = 0x84c8c0, nation = 0x84c8c0, specialist = 0x84c8c0, 
            terrain = 0x84c8c0, uclass = 0x84c8c0, utype = 0x84c8c0, 
            base = 0x84c8c0, ai_level = 8702144, citytile = 8702144, 
            minsize = 8702144, minyear = 8702144, outputtype = 8702144, 
            terrainclass = 8702144, terrainalter = 8702144, special =
            unitclassflag = 8702144, unitflag = 8702144}, 
          kind = VUT_IMPROVEMENT}
        caravan_city_id = 0
        i = 4
        popup = false
        city_is_new = true
        city_has_changed_owner = false
        need_science_dialog_update = true
        need_units_dialog_update = false
        need_economy_dialog_update = true
        name_changed = true
        update_descriptions = true
        shield_stock_changed = true
        production_changed = true
        trade_routes_changed = false
        pfocus_units = 0x43062a0
        pcity = 0x9ef6010
        worked_tiles = 0x0
        pcenter = 0x95f1bb8
        ptile = 0x95f1bb8
        powner = 0x902ddc0
        __FUNCTION__ = "handle_city_info"
#13 0x0000000000464a5f in client_handle_packet (type=PACKET_CITY_INFO, 
    packet=0x9f36640) at packhand_gen.c:99
No locals.
#14 0x0000000000433db4 in client_packet_input (packet=0x9f36640, type=31)
    at client_main.c:573
        __FUNCTION__ = "client_packet_input"
#15 0x0000000000439770 in input_from_server (fd=17) at clinet.c:419
        result = true
        packet = 0x9f36640
        type = PACKET_CITY_INFO
        nb = 477
        __FUNCTION__ = "input_from_server"
#16 0x0000000000417692 in get_net_input (data=0x0, fid=17, 
    condition=GDK_INPUT_READ) at gui_main.c:1873
No locals.
#17 0x00007ffff697608f in ?? () from /usr/lib64/libgdk-x11-2.0.so.0
No symbol table info available.
#18 0x00007ffff43cf102 in g_main_context_dispatch ()
   from /usr/lib64/libglib-2.0.so.0
No symbol table info available.
#19 0x00007ffff43cf8f8 in ?? () from /usr/lib64/libglib-2.0.so.0
No symbol table info available.
#20 0x00007ffff43cfe4a in g_main_loop_run () from
No symbol table info available.
#21 0x00007ffff6d41a67 in gtk_main () from /usr/lib64/libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0
No symbol table info available.
#22 0x0000000000417195 in ui_main (argc=1, argv=0x7fffffffd888)
    at gui_main.c:1667
        home = 0xbcefc0 "/home/o01eg"
        sig = 29
        __FUNCTION__ = "ui_main"
#23 0x0000000000433c7d in client_main (argc=1, argv=0x7fffffffd888)
    at client_main.c:516
        i = 1
        loglevel = LOG_NORMAL
        ui_options = 0
        ui_separator = false
        option = 0x0
        user_tileset = false
        fatal_assertions = -1
        __FUNCTION__ = "client_main"
#24 0x0000000000416ad1 in main (argc=1, argv=0x7fffffffd888) at
No locals.
(gdb) p (*pcity)
$2 = {name = "006517", '\000' <repeats 41 times>, tile = 0x0, 
  owner = 0x902ddc0, original = 0x902ddc0, id = 6517, size = 1, feel = {{0,
      0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}}, 
  specialists = {1, 0 <repeats 19 times>}, trade = {0, 0, 0, 0}, 
  trade_value = {0, 0, 0, 0}, tile_cache = 0x0, tile_cache_radius_sq = -1, 
  surplus = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, waste = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, unhappy_penalty =
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, prod = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, citizen_base = {0, 0, 0, 0,

    0, 0}, usage = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, bonus = {100, 100, 100, 100, 100,
  martial_law = 0, unit_happy_upkeep = 0, food_stock = 0, shield_stock = 0, 
  pollution = 0, illness_trade = 0, turn_plague = -1, city_radius_sq = 15, 
  airlift = 0, did_buy = true, did_sell = false, was_happy = false, 
  anarchy = 0, rapture = 0, turn_founded = 137, turn_last_built = 137, 
  before_change_shields = 0, caravan_shields = 0, disbanded_shields = 0, 
  last_turns_shield_surplus = 0, built = {{turn = -1} <repeats 200 times>}, 
  production = {value = {advance = 0x0, govern = 0x0, building = 0x0, 
      nation = 0x0, specialist = 0x0, terrain = 0x0, uclass = 0x0, 
      utype = 0x0, base = 0x0, ai_level = 0, citytile = CITYT_CENTER, 
      minsize = 0, minyear = 0, outputtype = O_FOOD, terrainclass = 0, 
      terrainalter = 0, special = 0, unitclassflag = 0, unitflag = 0}, 
    kind = VUT_NONE}, changed_from = {value = {advance = 0x0, govern = 0x0, 
      building = 0x0, nation = 0x0, specialist = 0x0, terrain = 0x0, 
      uclass = 0x0, utype = 0x0, base = 0x0, ai_level = 0, 
      citytile = CITYT_CENTER, minsize = 0, minyear = 0, outputtype = O_FOOD,

---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
      terrainclass = 0, terrainalter = 0, special = 0, unitclassflag = 0, 
      unitflag = 0}, kind = VUT_NONE}, worklist = {length = 0, entries = {{
        value = {advance = 0x0, govern = 0x0, building = 0x0, nation = 0x0, 
          specialist = 0x0, terrain = 0x0, uclass = 0x0, utype = 0x0, 
          base = 0x0, ai_level = 0, citytile = CITYT_CENTER, minsize = 0, 
          minyear = 0, outputtype = O_FOOD, terrainclass = 0, 
          terrainalter = 0, special = 0, unitclassflag = 0, unitflag = 0}, 
        kind = VUT_NONE} <repeats 64 times>}}, city_options = {vec = ""}, 
  units_supported = 0x9f2c880, {server = {migration_score = 0, 
      mgr_score_calc_turn = 0, illness = 0, steal = 0, 
      workers_frozen = 166906032, needs_arrange = false, 
      needs_refresh = false, synced = false, debug = false, adv = 0x9f17b30,

      ais = {0x0}, vision = 0x0}, client = {occupied = false, walls = false,

      happy = false, unhappy = false, colored = false, color_index = 0, 
      info_units_supported = 0x9f2c8b0, info_units_present = 0x9f17b30, 
      need_updates = CU_NO_UPDATE}}}
(gdb) p pcity->tile
$3 = (struct tile *) 0x0
(gdb) p (*pplayer)
$5 = {slot = 0x43002f0, name = "O01eg", '\000' <repeats 42 times>, 
  username = "o01eg\000gned", '\000' <repeats 37 times>, 
  ranked_username = "Unassigned", '\000' <repeats 37 times>, user_turns = 0,

  is_male = true, government = 0x43a65a0, target_government = 0x0, 
  nation = 0x43dc6b8, team = 0x43a46f0, is_ready = false, phase_done = false,

  nturns_idle = 0, is_alive = true, revolution_finishes = -1, real_embassy =
    vec = '\000' <repeats 15 times>}, diplstates = 0x904f4b0, city_style = 6,

  cities = 0x8f2e220, units = 0x8f2e250, score = {happy = 0, content = 0, 
    unhappy = 0, angry = 0, specialists = {0 <repeats 20 times>}, wonders =
    techs = 0, techout = 0, landarea = 0, settledarea = 0, population = 0, 
    cities = 0, units = 0, pollution = 0, literacy = 0, bnp = 0, mfg = 0, 
    spaceship = 0, units_built = 0, units_killed = 0, units_lost = 0, 
    game = 160}, economic = {gold = 19331, tax = 40, science = 60, 
    luxury = 0}, bulbs_last_turn = 97, spaceship = {structurals = 0, 
    components = 0, modules = 0, structure = {false <repeats 32 times>}, 
    fuel = 0, propulsion = 0, habitation = 0, life_support = 0, 
    solar_panels = 0, state = SSHIP_NONE, launch_year = 9999, population = 0,

    mass = 0, support_rate = 0, energy_rate = 0, success_rate = 0, 
    travel_time = 0}, ai_controlled = false, ai_common = {maxbuycost = 0, 
    tech_want = {0 <repeats 201 times>}, handicaps = {vec = "\000"}, 
    skill_level = 0, fuzzy = 0, expand = 100, science_cost = 100, warmth = 0,

    frost = 0, barbarian_type = NOT_A_BARBARIAN, love = {
      1 <repeats 128 times>}}, ai = 0x0, was_created = false, 
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
  is_connected = true, current_conn = 0x0, connections = 0x8f2e280, 
  gives_shared_vision = {vec = '\000' <repeats 15 times>}, wonders = {
    0 <repeats 41 times>, 6517, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6517, 0 <repeats 152 times>},

  attribute_block = {data = 0x9048a30, length = 163}, 
  attribute_block_buffer = {data = 0x0, length = 0}, tile_known = {
    bits = 84240, vec = 0x9ec63e0 ""}, {server = {status = {vec = "\020"}, 
      capital = 73, private_map = 0x9ec1180, really_gives_vision = {
        vec = "\020I\001\000\000\000\000\000\260:\354\t\000\000\000"}, 
      debug = {vec = ""}, aidata = 0x0}, client = {tile_vision = {{
          bits = 84240, vec = 0x9ec1180 ""}, {bits = 84240, 
          vec = 0x9ec3ab0 ""}}}}}
(gdb) p (*building)
$6 = {item_number = 41, name = {
    _private_translated_ = 0x7ffff7f454c8 "Компания Aдама
Смита", _private_vernacular_ = "A.Smith's Trading Co.", '\000' <repeats
26 times>, 
    _private_rulename_ = "A.Smith's Trading Co.", '\000' <repeats 26 times>},

  graphic_str = "b.asmiths_trading_co", '\000' <repeats 27 times>, 
  graphic_alt = "-", '\000' <repeats 46 times>, reqs = {p = 0x73b98e0, 
    size = 1, size_alloc = 1}, obsolete_by = 0x0, replaced_by = 0x0, 
  build_cost = 300, upkeep = 0, sabotage = 0, genus = IG_SMALL_WONDER, 
  flags = {vec = ""}, helptext = 0x73b9900, 
  soundtag = "w_asmiths_trading_co", '\000' <repeats 27 times>, 
  soundtag_alt = "w_generic", '\000' <repeats 38 times>, allows_units =


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