
                 Summary: Infinite loop in fair_do_geometry 
                 Project: Freeciv
            Submitted by: andreasr
            Submitted on: Wed 10 Sep 2014 10:49:32 AM UTC
                Category: None
                Severity: 3 - Normal
                Priority: 5 - Normal
                  Status: None
             Assigned to: None
        Originator Email: 
             Open/Closed: Open
         Discussion Lock: Any
        Operating System: None
         Planned Release: 



Freeciv-web, current svn trunk.

#0  0x00000000004302f1 in fair_do_geometry (y=0x7fff4ad3465c,
x=0x7fff4ad34658, data=0x7fff4ad346a0)
    at mapgen.c:2833
        i = 1
#1  fair_map_copy (ptarget=ptarget@entry=0x3d3ea80, tx=9, ty=10,
startpos_team_id=startpos_team_id@entry=-1) at mapgen.c:2912
        sdx = 8
        sdy = 8
        smax_tile = 0x3d46380
        pstile = 0x3d43f40
        x = 0
        y = -7
#2  0x0000000000430788 in fair_map_place_island_rand
    psource=psource@entry=0x3d43b80) at mapgen.c:2994
        geometry = {transform = {0x42ca10 <fair_do_symetry1>, 0x42ca20
            0x42ca60 <fair_do_rotation>, 0x7fff4ad349e0}, transform_num = 1}
        i = 169
        r = 0
        x = <optimized out>
        y = <optimized out>
#3  0x0000000000433bab in map_generate_fair_islands () at mapgen.c:3662
        deepest_ocean = <optimized out>
        pisland = 0x3d43b80
        islandmass2 = 2
        players_per_island = <optimized out>
        teams_num = <optimized out>
        i = <optimized out>
        iter = 32
        playermass = <optimized out>
        islandmass3 = 2
        min_island_size = <optimized out>
        single_players_num = <optimized out>
        done = <optimized out>
        islandmass1 = 12
        team_players_num = <optimized out>

#4  map_fractal_generate (autosize=autosize@entry=true,
initial_unit=initial_unit@entry=0xa47ac0 <unit_types>)
    at mapgen.c:1409
        rstate = {v = {1237409742, 955995058, 2221680026, 928314603,
2377116720, 938030977, 2451863714,
            1870196780, 1219832915, 2749298912, 237521252, 967143187,
2657827330, 1769900194, 3944427351,
            1983273614, 2486008366, 3545214342, 2085494148, 1306900,
2265534826, 2092120104, 1958576549,
            3183122498, 889193573, 2662679503, 490330897, 2425458560,
4209929823, 2116680127, 3799376089,
            4280241594, 1851753583, 1920142566, 3202852966, 511813240,
6024918, 988854567, 1469127889,
            417706235, 994567357, 548433882, 3085554441, 2932132510,
4105545497, 3719105542, 2424329441,
            2726010685, 1963130317, 3555263993, 2752716272, 1466428982,
1030202179, 1313836061, 1204575569,
            886225383}, j = 43, k = 18, x = 42, is_init = true}
        seed_rand = <optimized out>
        __FUNCTION__ = "map_fractal_generate"
#5  0x000000000040afcd in srv_ready () at srv_main.c:2724
        i = 0
        utype = <optimized out>
        sucount = <optimized out>
        mapgen_settings = {{name = 0x5c5585 "generator", value = "FAIR",
'\000' <repeats 91 times>,
            pretty = "\"Fair islands\" (FAIR)", '\000' <repeats 74 times>},
{name = 0x5c5564 "startpos",
            value = "DEFAULT", '\000' <repeats 88 times>,
            pretty = "\"Generator's choice\" (DEFAULT)", '\000' <repeats 65
times>}, {
            name = 0x595303 "teamplacement", value = "CLOSEST", '\000'
<repeats 88 times>,
            pretty = "\"As close as possible\" (CLOSEST)", '\000' <repeats 63
        max = <optimized out>
        created = false
        __FUNCTION__ = "srv_ready"
#6  0x000000000040c1cd in srv_main () at srv_main.c:2988
        __FUNCTION__ = "srv_main"
#7  0x0000000000405629 in main (argc=19, argv=0x7fff4ad34f38) at
        inx = 19
        showhelp = <optimized out>
        showvers = <optimized out>
        option = <optimized out>
        __FUNCTION__ = "main"

#0  0x000000000042ca64 in fair_do_rotation (x=0x7fffa36e2228,
y=0x7fffa36e222c) at mapgen.c:2799
        z = 6
#1  0x00000000004302dc in fair_do_geometry (y=0x7fffa36e222c,
x=0x7fffa36e2228, data=0x7fffa36e2270)
    at mapgen.c:2834
        i = 1
#2  fair_map_copy (ptarget=ptarget@entry=0x2122d30, tx=41, ty=43,
startpos_team_id=startpos_team_id@entry=-1) at mapgen.c:2912
        sdx = 42
        sdy = 28
        smax_tile = 0x217eb40
        pstile = 0x2160000
        x = 6
        y = 10
#3  0x0000000000430788 in fair_map_place_island_rand
    psource=psource@entry=0x2150c40) at mapgen.c:2994
        geometry = {transform = {0x42ca20 <fair_do_symetry2>, 0x42ca60
<fair_do_rotation>, 0x2df00,
            0x7fffa36e25b0}, transform_num = 2}
        i = 3653
        r = 0
        x = <optimized out>
        y = <optimized out>
#4  0x0000000000433bab in map_generate_fair_islands () at mapgen.c:3662
        deepest_ocean = <optimized out>
        pisland = 0x2150c40
        islandmass2 = 47
        players_per_island = <optimized out>
        teams_num = <optimized out>
        i = <optimized out>
        iter = 6
        playermass = <optimized out>
        islandmass3 = 20
        min_island_size = <optimized out>
        single_players_num = <optimized out>
        done = <optimized out>
#5  map_fractal_generate (autosize=autosize@entry=true,
initial_unit=initial_unit@entry=0xa47ac0 <unit_types>)
    at mapgen.c:1409
        rstate = {v = {1883002077, 3711309956, 1804969037, 809352860,
728163315, 2158957137, 285149797,
            3707490314, 519260321, 1749648482, 2030329460, 232363212,
627728043, 4285730535, 2782504303,
            2923863292, 175199537, 3783922366, 1747166391, 1363736441,
4103433539, 3028929841, 3925777198,
            3809826641, 2132547783, 1120882910, 972969432, 135519704,
3858903435, 1961618348, 1755219735,
            591014624, 844110076, 220563511, 2776984018, 2999948090,
1980711543, 643157684, 2131659034,
            2805556812, 860013954, 2694945342, 2578966876, 1532317320,
654388477, 249363096, 335942079,
            1848943145, 3091862323, 3645467034, 2802405797, 256592803,
685548648, 2807566251, 4020762668,
            476956503}, j = 1, k = 32, x = 0, is_init = true}
        seed_rand = <optimized out>
        __FUNCTION__ = "map_fractal_generate"
#6  0x000000000040afcd in srv_ready () at srv_main.c:2724
        i = 0
        utype = <optimized out>
        sucount = <optimized out>
        mapgen_settings = {{name = 0x5c5585 "generator", value = "FAIR",
'\000' <repeats 91 times>,
            pretty = "\"Fair islands\" (FAIR)", '\000' <repeats 74 times>},
{name = 0x5c5564 "startpos",
            value = "DEFAULT", '\000' <repeats 88 times>,
            pretty = "\"Generator's choice\" (DEFAULT)", '\000' <repeats 65
times>}, {
            name = 0x595303 "teamplacement", value = "CLOSEST", '\000'
<repeats 88 times>,
            pretty = "\"As close as possible\" (CLOSEST)", '\000' <repeats 63
        max = <optimized out>
        created = false
        __FUNCTION__ = "srv_ready"
#7  0x000000000040c1cd in srv_main () at srv_main.c:2988
        __FUNCTION__ = "srv_main"
#8  0x0000000000405629 in main (argc=19, argv=0x7fffa36e2b08) at
        inx = 19
        showhelp = <optimized out>
        showvers = <optimized out>
        option = <optimized out>


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