
can anyone tell me about compiler options for gcc esp. used in freeciv?

Which are used? 

Are they different in SVN and release? 

Where are they set? 

How does environment setting for CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS affect the presets?

What I noticed so far: 

- environement has effect (which?)

- it makes a difference if CFLAGS is empty vs. CFLAGS not set

- --enable-debug changes options (how?)

I did not find it in http://freeciv.wikia.com/wiki/Building_Freeciv_from_source 


Christian Knoke wrote on Sep 10, 13:52 (+0200):
> Christian Knoke wrote on Sep 10, 13:05 (+0200):
> > 
> > How do I set gcc options correctly?
> > 
> > make -j 4 clean
> > ./autogen.sh
> > export CFLAGS="-O0"
> > export CXXFLAGS="${CFLAGS}"
> > ./configure
> > make -j 4
> > 
> > is what I currently do.
> I am testing with S2_5 R26260
> $ env | grep FLAGS
> ./autogen.sh
> make -j 4
> client$ ls -l freeciv-gtk2
> -rwxr-xr-x 1 chris chris 8775873 10. Sep 13:33 freeciv-gtk2
> export CFLAGS="-O2"
> export CXXFLAGS="${CFLAGS}"
> $ env | grep FLAGS
> ./autogen.sh
> make -j 4
> $ ls -l client/freeciv-gtk2
> -rwxr-xr-x 1 chris chris 2599529 10. Sep 13:40 client/freeciv-gtk2
> export CFLAGS=""
> export CXXFLAGS="${CFLAGS}"
> $ env | grep FLAGS
> ./autogen.sh
> make -j 4   
> ls -l client/freeciv-gtk2-r26260-emptyflags
> -rwxr-xr-x 1 chris chris 2923988 10. Sep 13:28 
> client/freeciv-gtk2-r26260-emptyflags
> If I set no flags at all, the binary size is 8.7 mb. If I set gcc flags to
> -O2 what I think is waht default is in freeciv, size goes down to 2.9 mb
> If I set empty flags (what means I think, no optimization), the size is also
> down to 2.9 mb
> So I wonder why -O2 is so different from default. What is wrong?
> Christian

Christian Knoke            * * *            http://cknoke.de
* * * * * * * * *  Ceterum censeo Microsoft esse dividendum.

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