Follow-up Comment #3, bug #23213 (project freeciv):

>> Added rosa icons (GPLv2, and some created by me
fork -- A gun ? From what I remember, it's used on the "Start game" button. We
can use dialog-ok for that.
network-disconnect -- Looks like edit-cut. Maybe something like dialog-cancel
would fit better (esp. if we use dialog-ok instead of fork).
preferences-other -- Leninism ?

We need GPLv2 *or any later version* (didn't find Rosa icons' license, but
looks like you did) and we must keep unmodified any copyright notice (I'm
thinking about AUTHORS file or such).

Also, I don't understand why we should not use icons from theme. There is no
problem as long as we don't need them to have an usable UI. If they don't
match our use, we can use other names.


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