On Thu, 9 Feb 2017 15:47:55 +0100
Petr Fišer <pries...@gmail.com> wrote:
> is basically just about FreeCol not being able to upgrade savegames
> from 0.10.x and older,

FreeCol 0.12.0, which will be the next release, will not be able to read
0.10.x format savegames.  This is normal for releases with (semi-)major
numbers that differ by more than 1.  0.12.0 will be able to read 0.11.x

And to clarify further, some good progress has been made with trunk,
removing the long deprecated PlayerExploredTile and EquipmentType without
any test failures.  So some nasty hacks are now gone at last.  So please
think of trunk as 0.12.0-alpha rather than 0.11.6+fixes, as some 0.10.x
games are now unloadable.  There is more to come...

Less pleasing though, testing has thrown up some 0.10.x games where
0.11.x does not completely upgrade some game options to the 0.11.x
format.  I have fixed the upgrade code (git.9da74ae), and relabelled it
from "@compat 0.10.7" to "@compat 0.11.0" --- we will be stuck with that
for another cycle so that 0.12.x can finish the job partially done by
0.11.x. Not a huge fail, its all in Specification which is where much of
the backwards compatibility will always be found unless we stop adding
options and spec features.  Just another reminder of the importance of

Mike Pope

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