I am trying to understand and document the map drawing logic in MapViewer.
There are quite a few magic variables, which I think fit into three

1. Dependent on map scale:  e.g. tileHeight et al
   I think I understand these, and have collected their maintenance
   into updateScaledVariables()
2. Dependent on map size (and scale):  e.g. topSpace
   I do not understand these, but can see the dependency and have
   collected their maintenance into updateSizeVariables()
3. Dependent on map position:  e.g. bottomRows
   I have not tried to understand these yet

Looking at category 2 then:

(leftSpace, topSpace) appears to tbe the pixel coordinate of the upper left
corner of a tile if it were to be drawn in the center of the
map-window.  For some reason there is also a rightSpace equal to
leftSpace, but no bottomSpace.  topRows is possibly the "number of rows
that will be drawn above the center tile" of the comment, and there is
again a bottomRows equal to topRows.  TopRows is roughly topSpace divided
by half the tile height.  One would imagine there would be corresponding
left and right variables, but that happens in getLeft/RightColumns() where
leftSpace is divided by the full tile width, unlike for topRows.  In all
cases there are magic +/-1 factors added, and a mysterious magic 32 in a

  (leftSpace % tileWidth) > 32

Pretty much every sentence in the above paragraph should be read with
a ", but why?" on the end:-).  I am posting this message in the hope that
someone who has worked on this code in the past has some wisdom to
pass on.  Preferrably with a little more detail than "it has to do
that so the map-projection works".

Mike Pope

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