On Thu, 16 Dec 2021 10:14:36 +0100 (CET)
Stefan Fellner <stefan.fell...@tutanota.com> wrote:
> here's the screenshots from col1 regarding claim land.
> -> before it's iroquois land, already after I moved the pioneer to the tile, 
> the land got claimed (even before i started to improve the tile). (I have 
> Peter Minuit - if I had not I would require to assert control manually to 
> either buy or steal the land).
> However I quite like the idea that you claim it only if you asserting control 
> (like building an improvement or using the land in the colony).

OK, to clarify fully, for Col1 compatibility we need to support claiming
all the land around a colony (for the colony) by default.  I propose (sigh)
to add a new game option to the colony option group to control this.
Implementation is trivial (one liner in server IGC.buildSettlement).
The backwards compatibility code for a new option is likely longer.  The
option would be disabled in the freecol rules, preserving the existing
behaviour there.

Mike Pope

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