On Sat, 23 Jun 2012, Nick M. Daly wrote:

Bryan, thanks for sending this along.  I don't have any answers, but
these are pretty fundamental questions.

Thanks for the reply!

Does anybody else have any guidance or insight? This is more than I want to bite off on my own. In case this thread fell off the radar, the original message is here:


I know there was some talk about using James's withsql [0] package for at least storing custom application-specific settings (for, i.e., Plinth and FreedomBuddy) but that doesn't really solve configuration management problems. I'd like to see something that can be hooked into Plinth and built upon there, but maybe there are other, more important criteria.

Does anybody know any details about said system? Searching the wiki and discuss mailing list archive didn't turn up anything helpful. Is there some other medium where development planning is taking place?


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