On 05/31/2016 10:35 PM, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
> Uhm, I do not like the "applies to all pages old and new" part of above: 
> Only new pages makes sense: I believe the only possible ways to change 
> license is for each wiki page either
>  a) _all_ page authors agree on a license (mojority is not enough)
>  b) page is removed (and first author of replacement page license that)
> The only discussion I can imagine sensibly leading to imposing license 
> on all _old_ content is a discussion where _all_ copyright holders were 
> present and _all_ agreed unanimously to relicense.  If that was the 
> case, I see no need for this kind of announcement, so am puzzled...

The idea is that we encourage as many people as possible to agree to the
new license.  Contacting everyone is not going to be possible, we do our
best to reach all contributors.  We remove content from people who
object.  I have been advised that this is sufficient.


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