
Good effort!

I found the difference between FD-DEBUG and MS-DEBUG: application
inside FD-DEBUG have as parent debug's PSP, which have as parent itself
it makes itself "primary shell", which shouldn't be terminated by
App PSP inside MS-DEBUG have as parent the PSP, which is parent also for
MS-DEBUG. Don't know what is better, but:

- INT21/4C in MS-DEBUG terminates it.

- INT20 in MS-DEBUG under MS-DOS is trapped and returns message "Program
  terminated normally"; under FreeDOS INT20 similar to INT21/4C.

- in FD-DEBUG INT20 similar to INT21/4C and both behave wrong: first time
  these instructons may look like do nothing (though, under FreeDOS with
  plain HIMEM execution terminated with message "Unexpected single-step
  interrupt" somewhere outside FD-DEBUG), but second time anyway FD-DEBUG

Disregard that irritating message, FD-DEBUG is better than MS-DEBUG, it's true!


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