Hi Bernd! Nice that the new distro is delayed, maybe
some things can get fixed in the next 2 weeks...

> *DOSFSCK with working FAT32
Definitely a good thing to have. Please compare 2.8-fat32
and 2.10 Imre/Lucho version compatibility for FAT16 and FAT32
for MS and FreeDOS kernels with and without FAT32 support.
Maybe it helps to create a all/all compatible 2.10 version.

> *DEBUG with working FAT32 support (official version this time)
If Paul can find the time: For BOTH FAT16 and FAT32 it would be
great to have 32 bit sector number processing! Otherwise you can
only edit the first 32 MB (as with the current DEBUG version
which has working FAT32 sector I/O but only for the first 32 MB).

> *SYS with various suggested improvement ideas.
Reminds me that "read first 512 bytes of FILE, treat it like
a boot sector and write it back without truncating FILE" would
be nice (to SYS disk images) to have and not that hard to add.
It would even allow (limited) support for compiling a LINUX
binary of SYS (in Linux, all disks are accessible through
devices, so if you can SYS a file then you can also SYS a device,
in other words you can SYS a disk directly with the Linux SYS :-)).

> I'm without any internet connection until next week
How that? So I guess all work on the distro will wait, too?

> *updated kernel to 2035
Who knows, maybe we could even include a CVS/Arkady kernel in
the distro? It should NOT be the default kernel, though, because
there was almost no testing yet.

> *improved harddisk/partition detection
Reminds me that WHICHFAT - only FreeDOS kernel affected! - cannot
detect "drive letter exists but drive is not formatted" case. Bernd,
FREETEST results show a consistent pattern here? Please check
http://www.coli.uni-sb.de/~eric/stuff/soft/specials/ whichfat.zip
and free-disk-space-tester-freetest.zip (binary and sources) and
tell me why the used kernel function makes WHICHFAT believe that
unformatted is FAT12, how the kernel can be fixed and how WHICHFAT
could work around the problem. Main function is int 21.36 afair.

> *diskette installation finally possible after 2 years.
>   it uses temporary files on disk however :(
No big problem as long as it really helps with speed! People
who cannot boot from CD-ROM should still have a few 100 kbytes
more harddisk space free than needed for the installed FreeDOS,
so do not worry about that... Remember to rename "full" and "mini"
to "base with sources" and "base without source codes", though...

> *installation from another location is now possible.
>   This means you can copy the contents of the cd image to your harddisk,
>   then use the bootdisk, and point to the harddisk location of your
>   FreeDOS files.
I would have preferred: Copy all files. Boot from any DOS floppy.
Change to the directory with the copied files. Run the main batch file
(which can possibly automatically check if you are REALLY in DOS and
are using FreeCOM, to help people who did the copying in Windows and
could not resist to click on the batch file!). Otherwise: Nice news :-).

Jason was planning to revamp SHSUCDX, maybe he can get some updates
fast enough for the update? How about Memtest86+, by the way?

And not to forget: If somebody can push the analysis of the "Geraldo
FAT32 FORMAT logs" somewhat further, maybe I could add some compatibility
improvements to FreeDOS FORMAT. That somebody has to have Windows.

About menu hotkeys and Arkady-fying: I think ESC should not be "all yes".
In FreeCOM, ESC is an alias for NO and ENTER is an alias for YES - but
only for the current question (as far as I remember). Maybe F8 should
toggle F8 mode during config processing (not during autoexec processing),
then Y / N (DR DOS has YESKEY=... or something, to support non-US keyboards
better) and maybe ENTER / ESC aliases can be used for every single config
question. F8 would mean "stop singlestepping". F5 could indeed be used for
"skip rest of config / autoexec" during singlestepping mode. Arkady really
writes big patches for small memory savings. Sometimes code gets harder
to read, too. Code should stay READABLE and we should be very careful to
avoid introduction of new BUGS, but otherwise, optimizations are always
okay. I often do not comment because the patches are too many and too big.
I simply hope that no new bugs are introduced... I wish Arkady could move
priorities around - fix bugs first, do not start with squeezing out some
optimizations. Optimizing should wait, unless it is an easy / simple /
foolproof optimization. Apart from that, Arkady seems to be the only
programmer who is working on the kernel at all right now!? No real news
from Lucho or Tom these days.


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