Hi, I updated FDSHIELD:

http://www.coli.uni-sb.de/~eric/stuff/soft/specials/ fdshield-04jul2004.zip

FreeDOS FDSHIELD virus shield (c) by Eric Auer Jun-Jul/2004.
Email: <eric*coli.uni-sb.de>. This is free open source
software under GNU Public License (v2, see www.gnu.org).
FDSHIELD [/?] [/v] [/t] [/b] [/B] [/w] [/W] [/x]
v: verbose  t: TSR block  x: try exe/sys/com write protect
b: floppy boot protect    B: harddisk boot protect
w: floppy write protect   W: harddisk write protect
WARNING: TSR block halts the system if a new TSR loads!
         Flush write caches before using write protection!
The sabotage check and harddisk format block are always on.
Combining /w and /W simulates read only attribute everythere.

Changes: Now displays a warning if Windows is running at the
moment when you load FDSHIELD. Supports the int 2f.13 API which
is used by Windows to hook int 13 in a "deep" way. This might
have the side effect that Windows no longer displays "incorrect
DOS version" when you try to use 386 enhanced mode ;-)). Of
course this does not necessarily mean that Windows will actually
WORK... In particular, you must not have EMM386 / UMBs active,
but other aspects of FreeDOS kernel (other than UMBs: e.g. HMA?)
might still be incompatible. Remember that Windows 386 mode wants
either a 3.xx/4.xx class DOS or a 5.xx/newer DOS with special MS
Windows compatibility hooks (MS / PC / DR DOS have those).

Note that I only tested the int 2f.13 API by testing compatibilty
with ThunderByte Antivirus TBDRIVER / TBDISK programs (only the
latter fiddles with int 13 / int 2f.13). Note about my TSR block:
If you enable it, it will either wait 20 seconds before reboot (in
verbose mode) or try to freeze the system completely. Tested with
a simulation of Oropax virus: Music keeps playing while the FDSHIELD
"System halted..." message is displayed in /v mode, but stops while
the message is displayed in non-/v mode (tested in DOSEMU only).

Happy testing, happy end-of-birthday-of-FreeDOS-week, happy i-day :-).


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