At 02:06 AM 7/6/2004 +0200, Bernd Blaauw wrote:

and to save myself from typing another message: any chance of Tom taking the time to release emm386r2 as a final EMM386 1.12/1.13 package?
any word from Erwin?

I can't work around Erwin's need for NIOS to allocate XMS memory low (<16M), yet have the target machine pre-allocate large XMS chunks for RAM disk and other stuff. So I think we're out of luck until EMM386 is reworked or more options added to HIMEM to allow tight control of memory allocation behavior.

So, I suggest you get the latest version from Tom -- which he sent here and looks basically the same as my stuff -- maybe run it on your machine as final sanity test (Erwin too, if he still wants to test it) and should be good to go. At least it looks done as far as I'm concerned, unless we get back into a delay for the latest round of feature changes and any bugfixes. I'd recommend leaving those for next revision, however. Simple enough to add.

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