Hi, I read the thread at:


... some summary points: SpinRite wants to reduce support costs by
switching to a more compatible OS, but MS-DOS is not an option. So
they could get PTS-DOS 32 (est. 6000 bucks/year in SpinRite case)
or a DR-DOS buy-out (20000 bucks, full sources and infinite copies).
Another option would be something called RxDOS - Steve likes assembly,
so he could improve it himself.

One recent problem was with the dd1000dd driver (ASPI, I seem to
remember - I would recommend trying to license ASPIDISK from Adaptec:
http://fd-doc.sourceforge.net/faq/cgi-bin/viewfaq.cgi?faq=incoming/219 ...),
alledgedly related to EMM386 or kernel (not clearly mentioned in the
discussion at GRC.com). Steve also thought about paying some FreeDOS
people to fix bugs, but was concerned that that might disturb the
community, kind of. My opinion: Linux distributors like SuSE and Mandrake
spend many paid man-hours in improving Linux. Even though most of the
result is open source code, this still pays back for them! They get a
better running distro, more happy customers and less support calls.
I see no reason why SpinRite should not invest some time or even money
into fixing FreeDOS bugs.

Basically SpinRite only needs some DOS which can boot everywhere,
supports SYS drivers and the usual boot scripts and memory management.
Something which DR DOS would probably sell as "bootable DOS" (well,
there is OpenDOS, but I think there would be license problems for
SpinRite - some people who are working on an "improved DR DOS 7.03+"
think otherwise, even though they can only spread binary patches
because the then-released 7.03 sources must not be modified "in the
public", it seems...).

Another bug report was SpinRite 6 (currently in testing cycle, it
seems) would either freeze at drive detection or after a while (in
this example, 28% of 10 GB disk), maybe related to the storage driver
problem mentioned ago. I would RECOMMEND excluding areas from UMB
usage, or using the EMM386 "conservative UMB detection" mode to fix
some of the instabilities. Even MS EMM386 needs explicit X=... sometimes.

One poster said that he would be surprised that no FreeDOS people
jumped the opportunity to help SpinRite, either for increased popularity
and fame of FreeDOS itself or to get something back from GRC personally.
Simple answer: GRC never asked the FreeDOS community, so there was no reply!

Other problematic hardware seem to be SCSI / RAID controllers like the
Promise Fasttrak one.

Finally, I would like to add that I generally agree with what Tom posted:
He also writes about having fixed the di1000dd problem - which patch was that,
by the way? Nice to know :-).

People do spend time and money for FreeDOS - simply because it can SAVE them
time and money. One example for this is Tom. If you just ask people to do
things for you (it is open source anyway...) then you may get unwanted results,
like Award with their "crash free BIOS" which is a not-so-well done FreeDOS
"distro" by them - apparently because they only wanted to CONSUME but not to
SPEND time to adjust things for their needs.

It would be nice if somebody could forward this to the newsgroup, but please
omit my email address. You can mention my name and ICQ if you want, though:

Cheers, Eric.

PS: To get bugs - like the di1000dd one - fixed, please do report them, and
do not simply expect us to smell the bug, or even worse, assume that FreeDOS
has the bug and will never fix it and is therefore worthless.

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