I got this from Pierre-Richard Potgeiter. -- Gregory Pietsch
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How are you?
I have hit a brick wall with trying to get Lantastic to work on Freedos,
We run a Point of sale on dos and now we have to switch to freedos, It's a very nice system,
We use lantastic to communicate between the POS's, I can get the POS to run hundred percent on freedos but when i try to load lantastic it loads aslong as you have the correct drivers but when it reboots it complains about not loading in High Mem, we managed to work around that but now it just refuses to work,
Do you know if lantastic will work on Freedos or is there another networking protocol that we can use to communicate to windows from a FREEDOS machine.
Thanx very much
I really appreciate your help

Pierre-Richard Potgieter
Software Support
Tel:  31 2668861/2
Fax : 31-2660102


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