Hi Blair and Bernd,

Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 22:23:46 -0700
From: Blair Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: freedos-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [Freedos-devel] Compile-time language selection with kitten, etc.
Reply-To: freedos-devel@lists.sourceforge.net

I thought it would probably be very simple to write a tool which,
given an NLS strings file (e.g. MEM.DE), output a .h file with

So you're suggesting to have kitten, but also have the ability to make
the default fallback language selectable according to a header?

Well probably selectable via something in the Makefile, i.e. maybe we'd do something like:

make nlsbin\de.exe nlsbin\es.exe


make nlsbin\mem.de nlsbin\mem.es


make nlsbin\de\mem.exe nlsbin\es\mem.exe

where obviously you want to be careful that you don't confuse your nlsbin and nls directories in that second case given that the filenames in them are identical :)

I guess it would be good for Bernd to suggest how he would manage all these executables which would end up with the same names in the distributions but would obviously need different paths/names at compile time and when he gets them from me/other developers. Maybe the third scheme above is the most clear. You could merge the nlsbin directories from a bunch of different tools together and then have nlsbin\de\ full of German-language .exe's, etc., which would then just be copied to your distribution fdos\bin directory.

I don't think there are currently any tools to create headers from a
.%lang% file.

I would be happy with some other method for doing the translation too, this was just the idea I had. Another idea I had was to make a pre-processor that parsed the .c file and the NLS file and substituted the strings in, but I would prefer to avoid coding a C language parser because it wouldn't be too hard to make it work most of the time but I'm bound to miss some case or break when someone uses some compiler-specific stuff.


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