Hi Jim M,

> I personally would like to see Arachne renamed to simply "browser"

Then you cannot google for it any more, too common word...

> mbr - http://jesusnjim.com/code/mbrsaverestore.html

You can use free FDISK for that but it would be nice to update it.

> diskwipe& wipegui - http://jesusnjim.com/code/diskwipeandrattledisk.html
> bracematcher- http://jesusnjim.com/code/bracematcher.html
> extract512bytesfromfile - 
> http://jesusnjim.com/code/extract512bytesfromfile.html

If available, you would typically use GNU DD for such tasks.
I think it is in GNU textutils, coreutils, fileutils or so.

> createfile - http://jesusnjim.com/code/createfile.html

> df - http://jesusnjim.com/code/df.html
> du - http://jesusnjim.com/code/du.html

Should be available as DJGPP GNU ports to DOS, dunno...

By the way, could somebody make a DOS version of the *SVN client*?

> md5 - http://jesusnjim.com/code/md5.html
> sha512 - http://jesusnjim.com/code/sha512.html

Blair already implemented those for DOS afair.

> uniq - http://jesusnjim.com/code/uniq.html

Should be available via DJGPP GNU ports...

> phone - http://jesusnjim.com/code/phone.html
> phonelist - http://jesusnjim.com/code/phonelst.html
> whereis - http://jesusnjim.com/code/whereis.html
> which - http://jesusnjim.com/code/which.html

I think FreeDOS 1.0 already had something like WHICH and
WHEREIS. The latter can also be done by DJGPP GNU FIND.

> zapdupes - http://jesusnjim.com/code/zapdupes.html

> zapdupes deletes duplicate files in a subdirectory tree.
> phonelist is a phone list database.
> phone converts phone letters to digits.
> diswkwipe and wipegui are for securely wiping or zeroing hard disks.
> mbr is for saving and restoring and printing the MBR of a hard disk.  you can 
> also print MBR of a file.
> extract512bytesfromfile is for extracting boot records from files for making 
> bootable cd's with ripcord.
> bracematcher does just what it says on files.
> createfile creates a random-content file or specific-byte-content file of 
> whatever size you choose, only limitation is the OS and 63-bits.
> uniq is a holdover from the unix pipe filters which only lets through unique 
> lines.  mine has an optional presort switch.
> df - like UNIX df - disk free space.  except mine is in SI units and gives a 
> graph.  sevral switches.
> du - like unix du - disk usage, but mine doesn't list subdirs, and lists 
> numbers in SI units.
> sha512 calculates the sha512 hash on a file and shows the result. handles 
> large files.
> whereis - finds files, starting in a specific subdir if you want.
> which - finds the executeable that would be executed first in the PATH 
> according to microsoft conventions.  for instance, .com comes before .exe 
> comes before .bat, etc.
> If I remember correctly, I these all have DOS and Windows versions in the zip 
> files.


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