Hi, quick reply from memory, others can answer too of course,

On Thu, Jun 30, 2011 at 2:01 AM, Bernd Blaauw <bbla...@home.nl> wrote:
> Dear developer list,
> could anyone please help me out with a config.sys/autoexec.bat
> implementation of NLS-specific settings?
> I'm horribly confused by how startup files should look, as to my
> knowledge we've got the following:
> * COUNTRY in config.sys (harddisk installation) versus no such setting
> (bootdisks, as the file takes up too much space)

COUNTRY.SYS isn't needed for DISPLAY-only stuff, e.g. codepages on
screen, nor for KEYB either. It's only other stuff (collate tables,
y/n), I think.

> * stable kernels (no COUNTRY support) versus unstable kernels
> (experimental COUNTRY support)

2037, 2039 are the only ones supported (not counting 2040, which is

> * official MSDOS way of codepage setting versus FreeDOS adhoc settings
> (NLSFUNC related?)

It's all ad hoc! MS-DOS was far from perfect either. And, well, let's
just say that MS-DOS is more limited than FreeDOS (esp. re: codepages,
thanks to Henrique).

> This involves the following:

Eh? I'm only actively aware of COUNTRY.SYS, not any others. Ask
Eduardo Casino (I think) for more info.

> * DISPLAY (a TSR by Aitor, versus device driver in MSDOS)

The only difference here is it lacks certain int 21h calls, no huge
problem. Also, FreeDOS may not (much, if at all) support PRINTER.SYS.
Otherwise, it shouldn't matter (much).

> * NLSFUNC (with optional COUNTRY support, but only if not listed in
> config.sys yet?)

I don't think CONFIG.SYS' "COUNTRY=" affects NLSFUNC. You still need
to run NLSFUNC at runtime (I think) to activate the collate tables,
y/n, currency, time, etc.

> * MODE versus MODECON versus different configurations whether or not
> COUNTRY= is set?

Isn't MODECON deprecated / unnecessary??

> * CHCP (internal command to FreeCOM)

This was supposed to (I think) unify all the various subsystems
(PRINTER, DISPLAY, KEYB) into one overall "system" codepage.

Some of these subsystems (e.g. KEYB) try to align with DISPLAY and can
stop you independently changing the codepage if no layout is supported
(for example).

My personal example (Esperanto), for my amusement only, it only works
with DISPLAY and KEYB (for which I'm grateful!), not CHCP nor
COUNTRY.SYS (lacking explicit E-o support, natch, which I don't really
need anyways).

> * KEYB (and CPI/CPX files)

KEYB uses KEYBOARD, KEYBRD2, KEYBRD3.SYS (library) files.

CPX is just a (UPX-)compressed CPI file.

> I'd like to add above in a working configuration for a FreeDOS 1.1
> (work-in-progress) including kernel 2040 (stable, with support for
> nlsfunc/country) but so many settings to consider it's hurting my head.

Well, what explicit languages are you trying to support? Honestly, if
you don't care about "full" NLS, you don't need everything and the
kitchen sink. Latin-1 (850 or 819) is pretty much all you need for the
common folk. (I'm not trying to marginalize anyone, just saying it's
easier to support a subset.) Really, just including EGA.CPX alone (and
without *.CPX) is probably sufficient for basic needs.

> Along with that there's ofcourse a few more annoying issues:
> * DEVLOAD /H (devload 3.21) bails out entirely of loading a device
> driver in no-UMB environments. I dislike having to make 2 or more
> entries for simply loading a CD driver. Non-optimal result thus for
> options 1 and 2

Kinda a hack, ain't it? Just don't use DEVLOAD at all unless really
required. (That may not be what you want to hear, though.) It's not
meant to be used in 100% of cases, IMHO.

> * EDIT 0.9a prints its version and DFLAT banner at every invocation.

Recompile?  :-)   Or just include a different editor (I'd cram TDE, if
possible, or EZEDIT if not).

> * FreeCOM unfortunately allows environment variables to end with empty
> spaces instead of stripping them.

You mean the name or contents?

"set BLAH=name "

TDE can (optionally) trim trailing spaces upon save, if that bothers
your .BATs.   ;-)
Or just use:    sed -e "s/ *$//" myfile.bat > myfile.new

> * I'm not sure which version of SHARE to include, there's quite a few of
> them floating around the internet

It's supposedly mostly non-functional anyways, doesn't fully support
MS SHARE. I think Japheth had a hacked one for some old Win 3.x Office
tools (Word, etc). Other than that, I don't know of any huge reason
for it (and never use it personally).

(more inline comments below)

> (FD)CONFIG.SYS so far:

I don't think you need to specify this COUNTRY line at all for 437 (U.S.).


Too many unless you're really using them all (or relying on hardcoded
drive values). I'd suggest "P" as a compromise.


Too many and unnecessary ... but only if using UIDE. Otherwise fine.

> !FILES=40

Is that enough? Should be for most stuff, but 80 would be safer (in theory).


Should probably have an "ultra-safe" choice somewhere in here:


The docs list a different safer value, probably preferable, but I
don't have it here.

> Autoexec.bat so far:
> @echo off
> SET TEMP=%dosdir%\TEMP
> SET TMP=%dosdir%\TEMP

set TMP=%TEMP%

> SET WATTCP.CFG=%dosdir%
> SET BLASTER=A220 I5 D1 H5 P330

This should be echoed at bootup, IMHO, so that people know what it's
default set to (in case of troubles).

echo %%BLASTER%% = %BLASTER%


set DIRCMD=/P /OGN /4 /LFN
lfnfor on
lfnfor complete on


Wasn't there a /~ needed somewhere??


Eh? Renamed CTmouse or ... ? Make sure to use 2.1b4, possibly with
"/w" and maybe (?) "/o".

> alias reboot=fdapm warmboot
> alias halt=fdapm poweroff

I always put all aliases in a single file, e.g. MYALIAS.BAT.
Then, in autoexec, I could say "if exist MYALIAS.BAT call MYALIAS.BAT".
And of course "alias myalias=edit myalias.bat" for easy tweaking.

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