
On 7/17/11, Jim Hall <jh...@freedos.org> wrote:
>> Most attractive to average users (rough guess):
> While I'm glad to see enthusiasm for what the next FreeDOS distro
> should include, and you've got a lot of interesting stuff above, I'll
> point out that this is a classic example of "scope creep".

This was merely an exercise at naming "popular", i.e. heavily-desired,
apps that most common users might probably want. It is not intended to
reflect my own goofy needs.

And besides, most of these already were in FD 1.0, so nyah.   ;-)

> Testing,
> configuration, etc gets much harder the more packages you add to the
> distro. I'd prefer not to expand the list of packages fro FreeDOS 1.1
> at this late stage. We've done some cleanup on the software list and
> moved a few packages between package groups on the 1.1-test distro
> already. If we started building a list of all the cool programs that
> FreeDOS 1.1 should also include, we will never get there.

I don't think any of it should be worried about for 1.1. Perhaps only
BASE + NET + UTIL should be there, dunno.

It's not my call, obviously, esp. since I'm not the one doing the work
(hi, Bernd!). Or am I wrong in assuming Bernd's test .ISO is the basis
for 1.1?

> I think we should have a discussion about what FreeDOS 2.0 should
> include, and I think "2.0" is the right time to completely redefine
> what "DOS" should look like. What would DOS systems look like today if
> they remained the dominant platform? What should a "modern DOS" look
> like in 2011 or 2012? After 1.1 is out, I'd like to see a good, strong
> discussion thread on the mailing list with lots of comments about what
> "2.0" should include, what packages belong "in" and "out", what
> package groups we should have.

Discussion is great, but we need to actually step up and make a
deadline type system, timeline, plan, something! I know some of that
has been roughly outlined, I'm just saying, it's tough to get things
done when nobody can agree.   :-(     Bah, it's just too much work for
us few volunteers.

> But please, let's keep that until *after* we get FreeDOS 1.1 out. I'd
> like "1.1" to basically be an update to "1.0": a *few* new packages &
> features, more up-to-date packages, a new installer.

Well, some things in 1.0 were horribly broken, some others are
horribly outdated. Otherwise it's more or less fine. Surely we can
tweak ad nauseum and would never get anything done.

But again, none of this was meant to reflect on 1.1 specifically.

>> Jim has been pretty open to people making their own distros.
> Yup, I've been very open to anyone making their own FreeDOS distro.
> And there have been a few, GNU/DOS was one example.
> This is basically the same concept as people making their own Linux
> distro: you get lots of experiments, and the very strong distros
> become popular.

Unfortunately, it's almost like we have to make a Linux-based (DOS)
emulation-oriented distro just to stay relevant!   :-(    Even then, I
can hear the jeers (shudder).

> I'm totally okay with someone taking the FreeDOS Kernel and utilities,
> and trying their own spin on FreeDOS to do something really
> interesting or cool. I'd just ask that they avoid using the label
> "FreeDOS", and name it something unique. Again, "GNU/DOS" was a good
> example.

Except the GNU project had nothing (directly) to do with it, I
presume. Actually, now I can't remember, was that the same as uDOS or
something different? Yeah yeah, I know, check iBiblio .... (Perhaps
GNU/DOS was a more limited attempt than the latter. Well, no FreeDOS
spins were satisfactory to me in my attempts.)

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