On Sun, Jan 8, 2012 at 8:26 AM, Eric Auer <e.a...@jpberlin.de> wrote:
>> fixing a filesystem is an important thing...
>> does anyone know if any or all of the filesystem repair programs work with 
>> doslfn?
>> or does doslfn basically not matter?
> The dosfsck tool does a bit of checking and fixing for LFN:

Just to clarify, FreeDOS has a port (thanks to Eric) of DOSFSCK
(32-bit via DJGPP):


I'm not sure if Imre's (16-bit) CHKDSK supports LFNs, but I'd suppose not.

> PS: Cool that FreeDOS 1.1 is out, thanks to Bernd! Is
> it safe to test on my already Linux DOS dual boot PC?

I downloaded it (one PC only, so far) but haven't tried it yet (though
I'm basically already running latest stuff). Been busy with other dumb
things. Presumably Bernd will read this and respond better.

I don't think there's any liveCD portion this time (yet), but there's
an .iso inside an .iso. I guess by default it brings up an installer.
So if you already have a dual boot setup, it probably won't break
anything unless you're careless, heh. I guess you could extract and
mount the inner .iso manually if you wanted (SHHDCD or whatever, I
forget exactly), but this is mostly just a "BASE" release w/ sources
(plus very few extras), right?

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