On Mon, 30 Oct 2017 15:44:25 +0100, Andreas K. Foerster wrote:
> "task scheduler"? "power manager"? There must be a misunderstanding
> somewhere. I am talking only about the DOS version.

A misunderstanding there is indeed - but I fear it's not where you think 
it is :)

I planned to go into details, but Eric already did an excellent job at 
that. I will only add, as an extra motive to stop using raw HLT, that the 
"no-hlt" kernel option in Linux didn't get there without reason.

> To me DOS is a single-tasking system and I treat it like that.

It's somewhat of an over-simplification. There is only one task running 
at a very precise moment, yes, but that doesn't mean that multiple 
applications cannot battle for CPU (think "print spoolers" and, as a 
matter of fact, a variety of other TSRs).

> When you
> run the DOS program on top of a multi-tasking system, you run it in a
> virtualized or emulated machine.

Bold claim. I know (personally!) people crazy enough to run DOS apps from 
within Windows as well (3.x, 9x... even XP). I doubt your HLT-powered 
game will be well behaving there. Of course you might provide special 
builds for these platforms as well, but this won't prevent people from 
eventually trying to run the DOS build on Windows. And seeing it crashing 
there or catching fire is no good marketing.

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