sorry; code example below <<corrected>>.

> On Sun, 29 Jul 2018 11:17:08 +0800, TK Chia wrote:
>> I double-checked the compiler output (using `wdis test.o') for the
>> malloc( ) call under the huge model, and found that it actually clips
>> the size to a `size_t', and `size_t' is a 16-bit integer type even for
>> the huge model.  I.e. malloc(81920) only allocates 16384 bytes.

> Indeed! OpenWatcom's malloc() prototype accepts a size_t argument, even
> in the huge model, and sizeof(size_t) tells that it's a 16-bit value. 
> This is extremely deceiving. I would at least expect the compiler to warn
> about argument truncation because of incompatible data type being passed.

while he didn't specify a warning level, WCL doesn't even warn with
-W=9 :-<  (watcom 1.9)

> In such case the halloc() & hfree() pair does seem to be the only way.
> Although for handling amounts of data > 64K one should definitely think
> about relying on XMS,

how would you implement this code

    buf[80000l] = '!';
    buf[80001l] = 0;
    printf("success%s\n", buf + 80000l);

using XMS?

> or going the (so much easier) protected mode way.

he explicitly wants 16-bit code, even 8086 compatible. no XMS, no
protected mode available.


    buf[80000l] = '!';
    buf[80001l] = 0;
translates to

           mov         bx,0x3880
           mov         cx,0x0001
           call        __PIA
           mov         word ptr -0x2[bp],ax
           mov         ds,dx
           mov         bx,ax
           mov         byte ptr [bx],0x21
           mov         ax,di
           mov         dx,si
           mov         bx,0x3881
           mov         cx,0x0001
           call        __PIA
           mov         bx,ax
           mov         es,dx
           mov         byte ptr es:[bx],0x00

not sure how much time it would take a 8086 to paint the screen
using such code bloat ;)

compare this to small model:

    buf[80000l] = '!';
    buf[80001l] = 0;

compiles (in small model) to

   mov         word ptr 0x3880[bx],0x0021

note: huge model is hugely EXPENSIVE!


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