Hello all,

Meanwhile, for some reason I am also getting this error when starting commandg.com under DOSBox (0.74-4.2 on Ubuntu):
   [Out of memory loading STRINGS.]
   Failed to load the strings resources into memory, the location
   pointed to in %COMSPEC% seems to be invalid. Please specify another
   location of FreeCOM to try to load the strings from, e.g.:
   or just hit enter to cancel to load the strings.

I have found out what is causing this problem, though I am not sure of the best way to fix it.

When DOSalloc ( ) (in suppl/src/dosalloc.c) tries to get DOS's current memory allocation strategy (int 0x21, ax = 0x5800), it tries to clear the carry flag before calling int 0x21, by saying

        #if defined(_TC_EARLY_)
                __emit__((unsigned char)0xf8);      /* clc */
        #elif defined(__WATCOMC__) || defined(__GNUC__)
                        reg.x.flags &= ~1;
                        asm {

However, both the intr ( ) implementation in Open Watcom, and the intr ( ) implementation in suppl/src/intr.asm used when compiling with gcc-ia16, will _not_ try to load any flags --- including CF --- from reg.x.flags, so int 0x21 basically gets called with CF in an undefined state (and it happens to be set in commandg's case). And DOSBox's implementation of the "get allocation strategy" call does not change CF.

One way to fix this immediate problem is to let the code simply assume that the "get allocation strategy" call worked. However, I see that there is also a "get UMB link state" call (int 0x21, ax = 0x5802) further up, where we would like to _set_ CF before the call, i.e. assume the call has failed unless we can be sure it succeeded. I am wondering if it would be better to just reimplement this particular routine in assembly...

Thank you!


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