On 8/23/2018 7:47 AM, Roy Tam wrote:
Hi all,

Since Digital Mars C/C++ compiler can target DOS16, and they
relicensed compiler in Boost license, which is more "free" than
license that OpenWatcom uses currently, I wonder if core components
like kernel, FreeCOM, or accessories like EDIT can be compiled with
Do you have a link stating that Walter Bright changed the license on his C(++) compiler? All I see on his web site is the same as it was when I downloaded the last version about a year ago. And that means you still have to pay $59 to get the source code for the compiler, which I think, regardless of license, doesn't really qualify as ' more "free" than OpenWatcom'...

On 8/23/2018 7:59 AM, Tom Ehlert wrote:
long time ago (before even WATCOM existed as a free compiler), I tried
this and failed, as some critically required segment directives were
missing. 15 years later, this may have changed.

good luck when trying this.
Having known and used the Zortech/Zorland compiler "way back when...", I looked into the re-release of the Digital Mars compiler (<10 years ago) and it worked just fine for "regular" programs, though I did not try to use it againstĀ  the kernel or FreeCOM. But then the source code for the compiler isn't openly available and hence a lot of those infected with the Stallman virus would object anyway, so I have not looked any further into it, beside occasionally downloading a newer version of the C compiler and the DOS related libraries...



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