Hi, Ivan,

On Sat, Apr 6, 2019 at 12:44 PM Ivan Ivanov <qmaster...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I built a coreboot BIOS image for QEMU and added to it the
> FD13FLOP.IMG (renamed to freedos.img) :
> Tried booting it but it gets stuck after
> "Done processing startup files FDCONFIG.SYS and FDAUTO.BAT"
> _ <--- blinking "_"
> Here is the full boot log: https://pastebin.com/raw/vMdhwtSF

Okay, but I'm not sure what exact help you're expecting here. Did you
try clean boot (F5) and/or removing (or even replacing?) some drivers?

Perhaps you need to try a different floppy image? I could point you to
several, but it depends on what you're willing to test. I assume a
"normal" (or at least bare bones) FreeDOS setup has worked
successfully in the past (with CoreBoot).

(FYI, I find CoreBoot a bit too confusing to test, and I don't have a
good set of compatible hardware anyways. Sorry, I'm not much help, at
least not directly.)

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