Was thinking of writing this for a few days, but did not came to do it.

First, congrats for the 25 years of the project!

I have seen the Lunduke video about it, and this convinced me to come back, see 
if I can contribute a bit for 1.3 release.

Sadly, my contribution is much about telling about what went wrong when trying 
it... but I guess it is a good contribution anyway... I hope.

I am from Quebec, a french native speaker, and tend to see a bit more about the 
french things.

The first thing I noticed was the lack of french canadian keyboard layout (this 
is not much important, you may skip the paragraph).

I think there was there in 1.2... or maybe I just said the same thing when 1.2 
was about to be released, I don't remember clearly.

About french keyboard it is good to say I think that the local government tried 
to push a new keyboard layout, officialy named

CAN/CSA Z243.200-92, called "Canadien multilingue standard" in Windows XP. 
Well, as far as I can tell, even inside the governement

it was not really accepted, and we use the "French(Canada)" keyboard layout... 
I am just unaware if this is associated to a standard.

Anyway, we are near 1.3 release and I guess it is too late about adding the 
keyboard layout.

In the new iso I tried for 1.3 release, mem was showing memory.

I remember that for "System memory" the translation to french "mémoire sytème" 
the è in système was wrong.

A very little thing, but as it come first on the screen, was noticed first.

The main problem I have is with package descriptions in FDIMPLES.

Pretty much all accented letters are coming wrong and that make them a bit hard 
to read, and look much less professionnal.

I have noted that the accented letter are replaced by 2 characters (border 
characters), and I think this is because they are

encoded in UTF-8 (so that most ascii letters take 1 characters, but that those 
latin accented letters are encoded on two bytes).

Not verified this, just what I was/I am thinking.

I suppose they are taken from .lsm files (in french directory?) for the 

But I am unsure where the packages are coming from... the builder download an 
ISO (but I did not look really what ISO it is).

I also believe I have seen a C program to translate from UTF to CP850 (from old 
memory, this is I think the codepage used for

french is DOS ... I did not verified if the installer had selected this code 
page... ) in the mailing list... relatively recently.

I'd really would like to help toward fixing the accented letters in french 
package descriptions.

I could do some manual fixing if necessary... but I would need some git 
repository for that somewhere I think.
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