My reply is at the bottom.  Please put your reply there too.
On Fri, 4 Oct 2019, TK Chia wrote:
Hello Steve, hello David,

SET_WORD(H_FLAGS, z_header.(struct zcode_header_struct)flags);

I am quite sure this change should fix the problem on Turbo C.  But it
seems to me that it will also inadvertently break the non-DOS ports,
which do not define SET_WORD in terms of an asm { ... }.

#ifdef __TURBOC__?

Having #ifdef __TURBOC__ in the platform-independent portion of the code
is kind of weird. :-)

To avoid this, I think one way would be to tweak the (platform-specific)
SET_WORD definition for DOS, to move the use of `v' outside the `asm' block:

#define SET_WORD(addr, v) do {\
        _AX = (v); \
        asm les bx,zmp;\
        asm add bx,addr;\
        asm xchg al,ah;\
        asm mov es:[bx],ax; } while (0)

This will allow `v' to be pretty much any arbitrary C expression.  It
uses the magic _AX variable which is specific to Turbo C (it works on
Turbo C 2.01, and should work on 3.00 too).

This approach worked splendidly.  Thanks!

David Griffith

A: Because it fouls the order in which people normally read text.
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