Hello everybody,

It took time, but I finished translating HTML Help files in French. You
can find an archive containing them in this gopher hole:

It would be great if you could take a look and point out any mistakes I
(could have) made. Please don't include it yet as is, as some things
still need to be updated (for instance the last modification date in the
main index.htm, version numbers and the history.htm file, if my
translation is accepted) but the bulk of the work is done.

Also, I noticed several typos in the English version, many broken links
in the Networking FreeDOS section, a license version inconsistency (GNU
FDL 1.1 vs 1.2 in network\intro.htm) and the GNU FDL labeled as GNU
General Public License Ver 1.1 in other\fdl1.htm.

So here are my questions:

- For the broken links in the network section, I can post an exhaustive
list but generally, what should we do? Put archive.org links to replace
broken ones, contact the site owners when feasible? And what about FTP
links (especially for MS Client for which Microsoft FTP site responds
with a timeout)? There are three versions (English, German and French)
that would need to be updated so this is going to require some work.

- How do we fix the typos in the English version? Do I post a list here
(I took note of everything I noticed in a text file) or is there a
developer/maintainer who is still around and whom I should contact directly?

- I have translated h2cpying.htm saying the translation is indicative
only and that only the version in English which is included in the file
is official. The thing is that the license text says verbatim copies are
okay but changes are not allowed. So, is the translation acceptable or
should I remove the part in French?

- Do I need to add my real name at the bottom of each file? It seems
that I would have to do that for copyright purposes according to the GNU
FDL ยง1.4, but I'm not sure.

Thanks in advance for your help.

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