Hi! I have tried 

with qemu, and I have come to the conclusion that I cannot install (with 
install from the main menu, or with setup.exe in live mode)

on a newly created disk image.

I use qcow2 format, because it begin as a small disk image file on the host, 
where raw is directly the size specified.

qemu-img create -f qcow2 hd.qcow2 1G 

qemu-system-i386 -m 20M --cdrom FD13LIVE.ISO --drive file=hd.q
cow2,format=qcow2,media=disk -boot d --enable-kvm

-boot d

boot the cdrom

-boot c

boot the hard drive

But I have seen that if I install FreeDOS 1.2 on the image, before installing 
FreeDOS 1.3, then FreeDOS 1.3 install fine.

In fact, I just tested that 'fdisk', rebooting, then install, works fine.

I get a strange message (c: should start with - or / ) when doing 'fdisk c:' 
... it is wrong?

Hum... I did choose french during installation... and now see I have a French 
keyboard... logical but as I am french canadian, I try:

keyb us... it shows keyboard config change to US but still get AZERTY keyboard!
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