
First, if you load the driver in the FDCONFIG.SYS you need to provide the full 
path to the driver. If you remove the line you have added to that file, then 
you can simply add this to the end of the FDAUTO.BAT or even create a separate 
batch file to only start the RAM disk when needed.

( assuming a separate file like MYRAMDRV.BAT )

@echo off
devload srdxms.sys E:
srdisk 8M

Although, you could make it a little smarter by using an environment variable 
that points to the drive like so…

@echo off
if not “%RAMDRV%” == “” goto Present
devload srdxms.sys %RAMDRV%
srdisk 8M
if errorlevel 1 goto Failed
echo RAM Drive %RAMDRV% created
goto Done

echo Could not create RAM Drive 
goto Done

echo RAM Drive present as drive %RAMDRV%


Then you can always test the %RAMDRV% variable to see if it exists and what 
drive it resides (incase you need to change it). 

Thats about all there is to it. Of course, there are different options for 
SRDISK to make the drive much bigger and reserve space for programs.

However, all of that assumes SRDISK works on your system. Otherwise, you may 
need to try one of the other RAM disk drivers like SHSURDRV.


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