Hello Jerome,

I'll give you my opinion on some of these.

On Sat, 25 Jun 2022 at 15:02, Jerome Shidel <jer...@shidel.net> wrote:

> First, how will we Label and refer to these builds? I went with “Unstable”
> with the short name would be “FreeDOS U2207” and long name as “FreeDOS
> 2206-Unstable”. To me, it is a well established nomenclature. However to
> the general user base, that may not be the case. We could use “Unstable”
> for now and possible change it later. But, I think we should commit to a
> scheme and stick with it for the foreseeable future.
> Should we stick with “Unstable” or use…
> Test build; FreeDOS 2207; FreeDOS 2207-TEST
> Development build; FreeDOS DEV2207; FreeDOS 2207-DEVEL
Personally, I don't see "DEVEL" as option, as it may give the impression to
be "for developers".
As for the other two, be it TEST or UNSTABLE, I like the idea of YYMM, so
that we get a monthly unstable version that can be downloaded.

> Second, do we want the changes log to go back as far as the previous
> interim build or back to the previous OS release? At present, it limits
> itself to the previous build. But since users / testers will probably not
> test every iteration, I think it may be best to always include everything
> back to the previous official release. At present that would be FreeDOS
> 1.3-Final.
I am of the same opinion, go back to the last official.
How do these logs build up? (I am assuming logs in an user-readable
format). Every time someone updates a tool, do we need to fill in somewhere?
Ideally, the implemented bugs and enhancements from GitLab would go to the
list, but I guess the ticketing system is not being widely used. ANother
option would be that every time a new version comes, instead of logging
somewhere else, someone simply logs a new enhancement ticket in GitLab with
the changelog.

Finally, what path on ibiblio do you want to use to provide package
> updates? This has nothing to do with creating the interim build. As you
> recall, the current RBE uses the GitLab FreeDOS Archive (
> https://gitlab.com/FreeDOS) to create the packages on the release. It can
> also automatically pull specific branches of those packages based on the
> release, interim, development or other type of build it is creating. The
> package update url only applies to where the release / interim build will
> check for package updates.
> I think it makes sense to keep it along side the other OS update
> repositories. There are already repositories for each Release
> 1.1 -
> https://www.ibiblio.org/pub/micro/pc-stuff/freedos/files/repositories/1.1/
> 1.2 -
> https://www.ibiblio.org/pub/micro/pc-stuff/freedos/files/repositories/1.2/
> 1.3 -
> https://www.ibiblio.org/pub/micro/pc-stuff/freedos/files/repositories/1.3/
I don't know if I am getting this well: this means that in the 1.2 folder
you find the packages updated over 1.2?
This means that if at this moment there appears a new updated package that
hasn't been updated earlier, it should go into ALL of the 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3

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