You can attach a license statement to it (such as cc0 public domain, or
MIT, or whatever) and email me (off list) a zip file. I can post this on
the FreeDOS files archive at Ibibio.

On Sun, Aug 28, 2022, 8:10 PM Bret Johnson <> wrote:

> I don't use SourceForge or GitHib or anything like that.  The source is in
> A86 (actually, A386 since there some Pentium-specific instructions).  One
> of the things I was going to do before releasing it was to convert it to
> NASM.  That takes quite a bit of work and time that I don't have right
> now.  It's also not in good enough shape (I don't yet consider it "ready
> for prime time") that I am willing to host it on my own web site.
> I would consider it public domain so it doesn't need any kind of special
> license -- there's nothing really special or proprietary in there (most of
> the info came from RBIL).  I can send it to somebody if they want to host
> it themselves and edit/modify it.  I can also just do something like attach
> the executable file (and/or source) to an e-mail like this one and anybody
> can do with it as they want.
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