On Mon, Jun 12, 2023 at 4:05 PM Bret Johnson <bretj...@juno.com> wrote:
> Rather than merely trying to copy the way MS did/does things regarding
> IF EXIST X:NUL, I think we can discuss what the "right" way to handle
> things should be.

We should still fix the FreeDOS behavior to match the MS-DOS behavior.
But if we're going to talk about the "right" way to do things, what
about a new, separate "test" command to evaluate things?

I'm using Unix and Linux as a model, but not suggesting we emulate
completely the features of Unix. But the Unix 'test' tool does some
neat things. My suggestions for a "test" like command:

TEST /F file
Returns errorlevel zero if the file exists, nonzero if not. This is like doing:
IF EXIST d:\path\file [..]
..but it puts the test on a separate line in the batch file, and you
use the errorlevel afterwards to do your condition.

TEST /D dir
Returns errorlevel zero if the dir exists, nonzero if not. This is like doing:
IF EXIST d:\path\NUL [..]
..but it can be made more reliable.

I think string tests are also useful:

TEST /Z str
Returns zero if the str is empty, nonzero if not. This is like doing:
IF z%VAR%==z [..]
..but it makes the test more obvious.

TEST /S str
Returns zero if the str is not empty, nonzero if empty. This is the
opposite of "TEST /z str"

Number value comparisons can also be a handy thing for some batch files:

TEST /n n1 comp n2
Test various comparisons on numbers. My nature is to use Fortran-like
comparisons here, like:

TEST /n a LT b
TEST /n a LE b
Returns errorlevel zero if "a" is less than "b" (for LE, "less than or
equal") nonzero if not

TEST /n a GT b
TEST /n a GE b
Returns errorlevel zero if "a" is greater than "b" (for GE, "greater
than or equal") nonzero if not

TEST /n a EQ b
Returns errorlevel zero if "a" is equal to "b", nonzero if not

TEST /n a NE b
Returns errorlevel zero if "a" is not equal to "b", nonzero if not

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