Fritz emailed this announcement to me off-list, and I wanted to fwd it here:

> From: "nidud"
> Subject: Re: [nidud/doszip] Problems with adding diskettes and HDs without 
> label / ".." (doubledot) (Issue #12)
> The code is somewhat sensitive as it needs to test if the
> drive exist for the missing floppy/CD/device loop.
> The way this is done is an attempt to read *.* from the
> disk which usually succeeds if a file or a volume-id is
> present. There are many other ways of testing if a disk
> is ready but it becomes rather complicated as it depends
> on too many things (OS type/version) so the most portable
> way seems to be the read options. It is however not very
> reliable with regards to error code, so it will return
> the same for an empty disk as for a missing CD.
> One thing that may (or may not) work is an attempt
> to read NUL if the above fails. I added this to the
> zip below so maybe you could test if that works.

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