
On Thu, May 23, 2024 at 2:02 AM Bernd Böckmann via Freedos-devel
<freedos-devel@lists.sourceforge.net> wrote:
> C in general and Open Watcom in particular are good choices for DOS 
> programming.
> The other free options supporting more recent C versions are GCC as part of 
> DJGPP targeting 32-bit DPMI, and,
> despite being somewhat experimental, IA16-GCC, a port of GCC for the DOS 
> 16-bit real mode target.

Most DOS compilers never supported C99. Although I can appreciate
parts of C99, you don't really "need" it for DOS.

* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C99

> Not exactly with examples, but for documentation specific to Open Watcom I 
> recommend their PDFs and / or
> the printed manuals. At least the Open Watcom C Language Reference (it is 
> basically ANSI C with some but
> not all features of C99 and implementation specific addons) and the 
> programmers guide would be a good idea
> to have a look at after aquiring some knowledge of the C language.

The DOS reader is "whelp cguide", IIRC. Not PDF but readable in plain
DOS without third-party tools.

_C in a Nutshell (2nd)_ is also a good book and even covers C11:


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