gcc tools/dat2c.c -o dat2c.exe -I./include
ought to be something like
gcc tools/dat2c.c -o dat2c.exe -I./include -lalleg
gcc tools/dat2c.c -o dat2c.exe -I./include -lalleg -L<path/to/alleg>
if it is not where the rest of the DJGPP libraries are.  That should have
been taken care of by `make install`.

On Sun, Nov 10, 2024 at 3:28 PM Paul Dufresne via Freedos-devel <
freedos-devel@lists.sourceforge.net> wrote:

> It's not really all the functions... it's the one that are defined in the
> .h files.
> I have preprocessed a file with:
> gcc -E tools/dat2c.c -o dat2c.i -I./include
> and after that compare some symbols that are said to be duplicated:
> [paul@betakard allegro-]$ grep _getpixel32 dat2c.i
> extern __inline__ int _getpixel32 (BITMAP *bmp, int x, int y); extern
> __inline__ int _getpixel32 (BITMAP *bmp, int x, int y) { unsigned int addr;
> int c; _farsetsel((bmp)->seg); addr = bmp_read_line(bmp, y); c =
> _farnspeekl(addr+x*sizeof(signed int)); bmp_unwrite_line(bmp); return c; }
> extern int _linear_getpixel32 (BITMAP *bmp, int x, int y);
> [paul@betakard allegro-]$ grep is_sub_bitmap dat2c.i
> extern __inline__ int is_sub_bitmap (BITMAP *bmp); extern __inline__ int
> is_sub_bitmap (BITMAP *bmp) { ; return (bmp->id & 0x20000000) != 0; }
> [paul@betakard allegro-]$ grep _allegro_hline dat2c.i
> extern __inline__ void _allegro_hline (BITMAP *bmp, int x1, int y, int x2,
> int color); extern __inline__ void _allegro_hline (BITMAP *bmp, int x1, int
> y, int x2, int color) { ; bmp->vtable->hline(bmp, x1, y, x2, color); }
>    static __attribute__((unused)) __inline__ void hline(BITMAP *bmp, int
> x1, int y, int x2, int color) { _allegro_hline(bmp, x1, y, x2, color); }
> [paul@betakard allegro-]$ grep _putpixel15 dat2c.i
> extern __inline__ void _putpixel15 (BITMAP *bmp, int x, int y, int color);
> extern __inline__ void _putpixel15 (BITMAP *bmp, int x, int y, int color) {
> unsigned int addr; _farsetsel((bmp)->seg); addr = bmp_write_line(bmp, y);
> _farnspokew(addr+x*sizeof(short), color); bmp_unwrite_line(bmp); }
> extern void _linear_putpixel15 (BITMAP *bmp, int x, int y, int color);
> [paul@betakard allegro-]$ grep clear_to_color dat2c.i
>    void (*clear_to_color) (struct BITMAP *bitmap, int color);
> extern __inline__ void clear_to_color (BITMAP *bitmap, int color); extern
> __inline__ void clear_to_color (BITMAP *bitmap, int color) { ;
> bitmap->vtable->clear_to_color(bitmap, color); }
> Still not knowing how to fix that however.
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