Hi Arkady!

> EA> * 698 floppy change / floppy DMA boundary check should be moved from
> EA>   "int" 25/26 to the int 13 handler.

>      Hm. Probably I not very understand this request, but FreeDOS does all
> DMA checks in dsk.c:LBA_Transfer().

Moving the check to int 13 means that DOS programs which use int 13 directly
never have to worry about DMA boundaries. MS DOS provides this service. It also
hooks int 13 to have more secure detection of disk changes (i.e. even if the
disk change happens while some program uses int 13 directly - then only the
int 13 handler and that program but not the kernel notices the change unless
the kernel itself hooks the int 13 handler as well).

> EA> * 1176 second floppy controller not detected.    

>      FreeDOS detects second floppy drive presence through analyzing
> "equipment list" (INT 11) ...

Yes, sure, but I wrote about second floppy CONTROLLER. This is the thing
to which you connect the third and possibly fourth floppy drive and which
- I believe - can only be found in 808x PCs, not in newer models. Not sure
if the BIOS has or needs special support for that as well.

> EA> * 1630 int 21.4bxx should clear the high parts of the general 32 bit

>      ? _Why_ DOS "should" clear hight parts of 32-bit registers?!

Because some programs would conceivably assume that the high parts are 0
instead of setting them to 0 manually. Check www.256b.com to see that DOS
programs sometimes assume quite a lot of stuff about initial register values.

>      To make UMBs, DOS uses XMS services.

Good point. Then UMBs on pre-286 PCs would need really special drivers.
Anyway, you can tell the user that UMBs are almost impossible if you detect
an 808x at boot time then (i.e. if the user tries to use UMBs then the error
message can be more helpful: If 286+, suggest loading an XMS plus if needed
an extra UMB or if 386+ EMM386 driver. If 808x, suggest giving up X-)). Same
for HMA. If 286+, suggest loading an XMS driver, and otherwise tell the user
that an HMA is impossible on that PC.

> EA> * 1789 the builtin disk format (!) function causes weird kernel error
> EA>   message LBA-Transfer error...

Sorry, there is a word missing in the above!!
The builtin disk format function OF PKZIP causes weird kernel error message ...


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