
7-Ноя-2004 01:02 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jose Antonio Senna) wrote to "Arkady
V.Belousov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

JAS>  I am unable to post,but read user and devel lists.

     Just subscribe. :)

JAS>  Here are some further explanations:
te>> by using bits 6 -7 of DH in INT 13 requests as bits 10-11 of cylinder
avb>>     If so, then this is non-standard and this completely prohibits LBA
avb>> (with up to 256/255 heads).
te>> This BIOS variant is documented in Brown and Kyle interrupts list.
avb>>  Ralf Brown not documents such API deviation (or I miss something?).
JAS>       It does,not in DOS API,but under "low-level disk I/O" heading,at

     Of course, I also mean INT13.

JAS>       least in the list version which copy I have. A mail to this list
JAS>       by Bart Oldeman a few hours ago confirms it is documented.

     Yes, I was see this letter. Ok, there was such deviation

te>>  However,FreeDOS hooks INT 13 and,in doing so,rolls over any cylinder
te>> number modulo 1024, that is,if I make a request to access cylinder 1024,it
te>> does not report any error,but I get cylinder 0, and so on.
avb>> FreeDOS _doesn't_ hooks INT 13. See main.c:setup_int_vectors() for list
avb>> of hooked vectors.
JAS>     I thought I did,for the vector in the Interrupt Vector Table clearly
JAS>   points into DOS area.

     Ok, let clarify this. Unfortunately, neither my nor Bart's MEM shows
interrupt vectors relation, so procedure slightly more complex:

1. Run my MEMA (prefered) with option(s) "/DAT" (without quotes) or run
   Bart's MEM with options "/F/D/U" (without quotes) and show me result.
2. In DEBUG execute "d 0:0l100" ans show me results.

Then get results into file (which you may insert into letter) you may use
redirection. For example, make file (and call it, say, DBG.CMD) with next

d 0:0l100
              O/~\                                 /~\O

and run next commands:


Now you get results in files, which you may send us.

JAS>   Maybe I did miss something, and there is some
JAS>   installed device driver, instead, that hooks INT 13.

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