Hi all,

Laaca writes that FreePascal works fine in FreeDOS 2036,
our stable kernel version. So far so good. 2036 rocks.

But FreePascal shows abnormal behaviour in FreeDOS
unstable / testing kernel version 2037. So if any
of you wants to figure out what is going wrong...
would be really nice. Because at the moment 2037
is "the kernel with zillions of improvements which
never got debugged well enough to be good for
serious production system DOS work", which means
that the many improvements are kind of stuck in

See also the 24/25 August mails from Diego:
FreeDOS kernel 2037 unstable confuses CHKDSK 0.9,
not good either...

Another bug in 2037 is in BPB handling: Somebody
reported that FORMAT would be confused by kernel
2037 as well (Get_Device_Parameters function, to
be more exact). In short, that kernel really needs
some debugging :-!.

And we should make it very clear on the kernel
download page that 2037 is EXPERIMENTAL. All
normal users should get 2036 stable instead.

> Yesterday was released the new version of Freepascal.
> The problem is that it's IDE doesn't work in FreeDOS.

Laaca explains more details of the IDE problem: The
IDE starts up as usual, even opens and shows a file,
but then it suddenly returns to the DOS prompt. No
error message. The sources and binary of FreePascal
are at http://www.freepascal.org/ ...

Suggestion by Laaca: Look at the FreeVision (Turbo
Vision clone/port) package. Because the FreeVision
demo app misbehaves in FreeDOS 2037, too: Clock is
not shown, heap info reports 0, pull down menus close
earlier than normal: http://www.laaca.borec.cz/testbug.zip

I hope a few of the mentioned kernel 2037 bugs can
be tracked down by any kernel expert who is not on
vacation at the moment. Thanks in advance :-).


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