Hi Jeremy,

> Currently I am working on the 2038 release.  That is, going through
> reviewing, modifying (usually comments), and committing the set of
> patches/bugfixes outstanding.  This weekend I am going to tag and
> release 2038 - I lost most of my access to SF and all to ibiblio so I
> will tag, build, upload to fdos.org and announce, hopefully someone
> with access will put on SF and ibiblio.

I suggest that you email for example me the SEPARATE patches
(diff -u) in a zip so I can upload them to SVN and (!) add
nice/helpful SVN commit logs comments while doing so... :-).

> 2038 contains a lot of work done over the last couple years (and
> perhaps long overdue, my fault I suppose).  Right now I am
> reacquainting myself with the code as it has been a few years myself
> since I really had time to do work.

The changes should be relatively small and well-logged, but
if you have any questions, please mention the SVN revision
number so I can give some explanations. Can be on-list :-).

> The dev branch is frozen - I ask (everyone is free to do as they
> please) bug reports be only against the current release (SVN or
> releases, but not against -UNSTABLE branch).  Note that the work is
> not abandoned, the dev branch was originally meant...

Blatant ad: Please help filling in the second half of the UNSTABLE
branch list-of-changes (technical view) - that would make it easier
to cherry-pick patches that are 1. SIMPLE (low risk for porting)
and 2. USEFUL and 3. STABLE and CAREFULLY port them to that stable
branch in this year. I agree that we should not put much effort in
the unstable / devel branch itself at this moment, too experimental
and contains too many too complex patches given our group size.


> Anyway, my future work on the dev branch is now done as a separate
> project (I call it the DOS-C kernel as opposed to the kernel discussed
> on this list, the FreeDOS kernel).

Why another fork? You can just tag the current unstable state and
start new experiments in the unstable branch right away... ;-).

> intent is to only support OW so I can simplify some of the code and
> work towards support for more filesystems (well that new tech one :-)


> and oddly enough some of the stuff Jim had mentioned on his page -
> however this will be 386+ and may break some backward compatibility,
> hence the spin off.

I THINK you could make some components "compile time omitable"
but I also think that "support only OW" is a risky idea as you
will still need drivers and drivers typically are what forces
you to include and keep all sorts of compatible cruft.

Talking about filesystems: See my other mail, the compile time
enable-able built-in read-only support for for example ISO9660
might be a fun idea. I can send you some docs if you want ;-).

Yet again - this is only for the dev / unstable branch imho.

> Once 2038 is released I plan to continue reviewing any outstanding
> patches  and apply as appropriate.  My top priority is bug fixes -
> repeatable bugs will probably be fixed first :-)  In no particular

True. One bug: MSCLIENT, but only in BASIC (without REDIR loaded)
produces 1-1-1980 timestamps on the server only with FreeDOS as
client. It does not happen with FULL config of MSCLIENT though.

> order my additional work will be merging work from the dev branch,

Only after careful discussion on the list please.

> specifically sys, country, & the perhaps some of the win hooks.  The

Eduardo may have already started having a look at porting the
country sys support. Note that it would be good to keep the
ability to have country-specific built-in things like date and
number formats even without installing a country sys file :-).

About SYS: Please have a look at the current stable version, it
contains some compatibility and performance fixes. The dev SYS
is a bit bloated now, more universal boot loader than FreeDOS ;-).

Win hooks: Sounds okay if you can keep the patches SMALL. I would
recommend NOT to pour some heavy f-node-versus-sft sauce over the
nice stable stable branch of the kernel, for example...

> main bug/feature that I plan to work on is FAT+ support, the working
> with 4GB files goes along with this since it adds support for 4+GB
> files.  EDR already supports this.  Beyond that, a lot of it depends
> on what others discuss.

See the thread with Tom - Supporting that ad-hoc EDR-DOS-file-system
called FAT+ is asking for trouble with anything that is compatible
with NORMAL FAT systems. Only in the unstable / devel branch please!


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