Hi, you may remember syseecho (show a string, but replace
$ signs by the ESCAPE character), which is now available through
EECHO in config sys (if you use a recent FreeDOS kernel - my initial
kernel implementation was, alas, broken: it sent the text to BIOS
instead of to CON, so ANSI had no effect...).

Now there is a slight variant: SYSDELAY.


Usage example:

DEVICE=...sysdelay... one$two$$three$$$

Will print the word one on screen, wait 1 second, then two, wait 2 seconds...
in other words: SYSDELAY shows a string and waits 1 second whenever it
encounters a $ sign. The $ sign is not shown on screen.

Might be useful for inserting delays in config sys, to give people more time
to read things like CD-ROM drive name which would otherwise scroll away too
fast. For "wait until keypress", Tyler recommends BOOTUTIL sys, probably some
Swiss army knife toolkit in a sys. SYSDELAY only has "wait N seconds".

Bootutil is by Douglas Boling, according to Tyler.
Happy googling. If you do not find it, ask Tyler by mail... freedos123
(yahoo.com), that is.

Or probably it is in:


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