
17-Июн-2005 17:05 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Shane M. Coughlan) wrote to

>>1. opengem3.zip: if pack ogem3.zip (inside distributive) with zero
>>  compression, then its size become 9235k (instead 4550k), but resulting
>>   distributive become 4395k (insted 4533k - gain -3%). But after packing
>>   all tree into .RAR, result become 3279k (gain -28%).
SMC> Okay, so perhaps I should move to RAR compression?

     Unfortunately, RAR itself isn't free. :( But there is free (as beer)
UNRAR.EXE and/or you may create SFX (self extracting .exe) archive.

>>2. opengem3.zip" distributive contains a lot of directories (9) and some
>>   files, and all of them unpacked into root directory. All of them should
>>   Some batches, which depends on path of GEM, may be created on the fly by
>>   install.bat.
SMC> There is a problem with GEM, in that often paths are hard-coded into
SMC> applications.

     Very bad way. (As sayed somewhere in documentation for DesqView:
"ill-behaved application").

>>3. install.bat: allowed to install only C: and D:.
SMC> In fact, in the new OpenGEM Release 4 people will only be able to install
SMC> to C:  I was getting messages of errors when people tried to install to
SMC> another
SMC> drive.  There is no way that I can fix that myself at the moment, as it
SMC> appears to be inside the GEM code itself (GEM.EXE perhaps?).


>>4. install.bat: before asking about installed Windows, should be _also_
>>   checked %win% variable. But in any case install.bat assumes, that Start
>>   menu resides in the C:\Windows\Startm~1\Programs, and this is far from
>>   reliable suggestion.
SMC> This is another feature I am removing from OpenGEM.  In Release 4, my focus


>>5. all batch files currently contains absolute path (like setup.bat):
>>   First, I don't understand why to use multiple "echo off", also as
>>   unreachabled "goto" and "cls" after _jump_ to video.bat. Ie., you may
>>   remove those lines. Second, you not process ^C after CHOICE (which return
>>   zero errorlevel). Third, jumps should be relative (this allows to
>>   install GEM into any subdirectory):
>>        CD ..\CHOICE
SMC> The multiple ECHO OFF is because on some versions of DOS I noticed
SMC> something
SMC> weird.  It appeared to start ECHOing inside large batch files even though
SMC> ECHO OFF had been stated at the beginning of the file.

     Probably, somewhere in batch files appeared "echo on". Better to
comment this line instead flooding "echo off".

SMC> I'm not sure what you mean by "you not process ^C after CHOICE."
SMC> Erm...Please expand on that for me.  I'm not a great programmer at all
SMC> (even batch files are largely a mystery to me).


ERRORLEVEL parameters

The first key you assign returns a value of 1, the second a value of 2, the
third a value of 3, and so on. If the user presses a key that is not among
the keys you assigned, CHOICE sounds a warning beep (that is, it sends a
BEL, or 07h, character to the console).

If CHOICE detects an error condition, it returns an ERRORLEVEL value of 255.
>If the user presses CTRL+BREAK or CTRL+C, CHOICE returns an ERRORLEVEL value
>of 0.
              O/~\                                 /~\O

SMC> Relative jumps will not be necessary because OpenGEM Release 4 can only go
SMC> into one place.

     Relative paths _always_ better, because allows sooner or later to use
"any place".

>>   And even shorter:
>>        apps\sys\choice\choice.exe /c:12345
>>        if errorlevel 5 goto exit
>>        if errorlevel 4 goto help
>>        if errorlevel 3 apps\sys\setup\printer.bat
>>        if errorlevel 2 apps\sys\setup\sound.bat
>>        if errorlevel 1 apps\sys\setup\video.bat
>>        goto exit
SMC> Now, this is interesting.  I didn't know that we could do this (I told you
SMC> was a bad programmer).  I guess that the OpenGEM batch files can be made a
SMC> lot smaller and easier to read by using this.  Will this work on all
SMC> versions of DOS past 3.3?

     Yes, this is absolutely standard (de-facto from MS) behavior:

- batch files without "call" before its call _jumped_ to it;
- using pathes in command ("apps\sys\choice\choice.exe") you remove needing
  to jump between directories:
        cd apps\sys
        cd ...original path...
  - choice itself doesn't require specific path as current path;
  - of course, printer.bat/sound.bat/etc should assume, that when they
    start, current directory not neccessarily is where they reside. Ie., in
    given case, they should assume, that current directory is GEM startup
    directory (C:\ or C:\GEM).

>>This is may impressions about setup and run process. If you wish, I
>>my remarks about working insid GEM. Also, if you wish, I may rework batch
>>files for you.
SMC> I will be releasing OpenGEM Release 4RC1 on the 20th of June.  It would be
SMC> wonderful if you could have a look at this substantially different version
SMC> of OpenGEM (which will included some of the changes you have suggested),
SMC> and let me know what you think!

     Unfortunately, in next month I will be available rarely, and, if you
say me URL of archive with OGEM4 (the shorter archive - the better), I try
it after next week.

SMC> I will post to the FreeDOS list when the new
SMC> version of OpenGEM is online.

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